It goes without saying but we are living in strange and unchartered times. The COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 will go down in history. As you have probably heard more times than you want, “We will get through this together.” How do you want to find yourself on the other side? My hope for you is that you find yourself healthier and happier. Yes, it is possible to improve your health in the midst of a pandemic.
We can’t function out of fear if we want to find ourselves in a better place in the months ahead. Fear will leave our knees locked and our feet trembling. Fear will cause us to retreat to places that only result in self-destruction. Fear can easily cause someone to eat more and move less. For the majority of people this is not the way to better health.
In order to improve our health over the next couple of months, we have to function in faith and by taking action. Our health will grow out of taking action. We have to find ways to keep our bodies moving and our minds growing.
First and foremost, we have to get outside and revitalize our bodies. We can’t stay sheltered up inside our houses all the time. Our lungs need fresh air, our skin needs sunlight, and our bodies need movement.
Breathing in recirculated air over an extended period of time is not great for your immune system. Fresh air can help boost your health and your immune system by cleaning out your lungs and causing your immune system to come alive. Fresh air also helps to stimulate your body’s production of serotonin, which is the body’s happy hormone. It helps to keep you mentally calm and emotionally at peace. Serotonin will then convert to melatonin which helps your body rest more soundly at night.
Getting outside will also help your skin see more sunlight. Sunlight helps to stimulate our bodies’ production of vitamin D. Vitamin D helps to lower inflammation, helps to lower blood pressure, improves cardiovascular health, improves clarity and brain function, helps regulate our sleep patterns, and helps to improve our energy.
Getting outside also means that we can get our bodies moving. This may mean just going for a walk, run, or bike ride. Getting the body moving helps to stimulate endorphins (hormones that help improve brain health and lower your pain). Movement also stretches and exercises our muscles and gets our heart pumping more oxygen and blood through our bodies.
Secondly, another way to improve our health is to renew old healthy habits or start new ones. That may mean reading a good book, cross-stitching, or starting a new jigsaw puzzle. Find something that you love to do and just get back to it. In times like these, where our government wants to us stay “safe at home,” we need to find ways to mentally give our minds a break from worry and stress.
Lastly, make time to restore all your personal connections. This is the perfect time for all of us to reach out and connect with the people we care about. Even though we may not be able to physically be with them, technology has made it easy to stay connected. We live in the days of the Jetsons cartoon where we can see, hear, and talk to our family and friends with just a touch of a button. Facetime, Skype, and Zoom are just some of the free platforms that allow us to see and talk to our loved ones. Take advantage of them and stay connected. I don’t know about you, but I’ve never been upset to hear from a good friend or family member. It warms your heart and gives you peace of mind.
When you’re connecting with those in your inner circle, don’t forget to reconnect or dive deeper with your Creator. God longs to hear and talk to His children. Reading the Bible, praying, and singing songs of praise are a great way to connect to Him. God’s church is not brick and mortar. It is fellowship with His people. Thankfully, many churches broadcast their worship services for free on television, Facebook, or YouTube. If you don’t have one to watch, I want to personally invite you to watch our service with us on Facebook by going to https://www.facebook.com/richpondbc at 11:00 A.M. on Sunday mornings!
My heart goes out to those who have lost loved ones to this pandemic. It is tragic. We need to do our part to come out of this better on the other side to honor them. Revitalize your body by getting outside, renew healthy habits, and reconnect with those you love. Together we will get through this and I pray we are able to become stronger and healthier in the months ahead.
-by Dr. Brandon Crouch, D.C.
About the Author: Dr. Brandon Crouch is a Chiropractor with Crouch Family Chiropractic (www.crouchfamilychiro.com). If you have questions or comments Dr. Crouch can be reached at 270-842-1955 or via email at: office@crouchfamilychiro.hush.com.