The data is clear. Today’s good-paying careers require additional training beyond a high school diploma. The good news is that a four-year degree is not required for many of our region’s great careers! At Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College (SKYCTC), students can get the skills and training they need to live a better life without racking up student debt.
Lowest Tuition in the State
Today’s college students are more savvy about their return on investment. They are looking more closely at their future career wages and considering the impact of tuition costs and student loans. SKYCTC is the best choice for students who want a high-quality education at the most affordable cost. SKYCTC’s tuition is less than half of what it costs to attend a four-year college or university. That means students’ financial aid and tuition dollars go further at SKYCTC. While statewide, college tuition has continued to creep higher each year, SKYCTC has kept tuition at the lowest cost in the state.
Graduate Debt-Free!
After earning an associate degree, some SKYCTC graduates transfer their credits to a university to complete the last two years of a four-year (bachelor) degree. However, more students realize that many good-paying jobs do not require the additional educational expense of earning a four-year degree. For example, many careers in the fields of allied health and nursing, advanced manufacturing, business, information technology, transportation and logistics only require a two-year associate degree or less. Here are some salary examples:
•Registered nurse – $61,832*
•Computer network support specialist – $58,784*
•Industrial maintenance technician – $61,488*
•HVAC mechanic – $43,731*
*These salaries are median annual wages for these professions in the Commonwealth of Kentucky from the Kentucky Center for Statistics in 2020.
Dual Credit while in College
High school students can earn college credits at a reduced tuition cost while still in high school. The Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority offers a dual credit scholarship to pay for two dual credit college classes. After high school graduation, students can complete their associate degree at SKY at little to no out-of-pocket expense with the DC to Finish scholarship. The DC to Finish scholarship pays between 25% to 100% of college tuition, depending on the student’s SKYCTC dual credit grade point average (GPA). SKYCTC’s dual credit courses are accepted at all Kentucky public colleges and universities and most private institutions.
Flexibility for Work & College
Many students want to work and go to college at the same time – and SKYCTC’s SKY Flex model allows students to work and learn with ease. In the SKY Flex model, students complete online interactive modules. Then, the student comes to campus one day a week for a hands-on lab with the instructor. The lab day can be moved to fit the student’s work schedule. Students who work and go to college simultaneously can earn income to help offset any out-of-pocket education costs. In addition, students who work while in college earn valuable work experience!
Many Scholarships & Grants Available
Students can also take advantage of federal and state grants and scholarships. Many SKYCTC students are eligible for the Pell Grant. While the Pell Grant is based on a student’s financial need, the Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship (WRKS) is not based on the student’s ability to pay for college. The WRKS will pay the total tuition cost for students training in high-demand careers. Nearly every technical program offered at SKYCTC is eligible! In addition to Pell and WRKS, SKYCTC scholarships and other financial aid allow students to get their education without the burden of student loan debt.
Josh Lee, a student in the Electrical Technology program at SKYCTC, credits the Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship for allowing him to pursue his goal of being a Journeyman Electrician tuition-free. “I would tell anyone who is thinking about going to college to do it. If it had not been for the scholarship offered at SKYCTC through the Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship program, I do not know if I would have been able to come back to college. It really helped me out.”
At Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College, a college degree is affordable and attainable for everyone. Learn more about the programs and credentials offered at SKYCTC at skyctc.edu.
-submitted by Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College