Public Libraries have a long history of serving communities in unique ways. From the Depression era emerged a project that recruited pack-horse librarians to reach the underserved in the remote, hilly regions of Appalachia. In the 1940s, bookmobiles became their replacements, and librarians rode through Kentucky back roads to serve rural and remote populations.

Warren County Public Library’s bookmobile service has put a variety of vehicles on the road over the years, culminating in size with a 40-foot BlueBird bus dubbed the “Mobile Branch,” a 1999 gift from the county government. After almost a decade and a half passed, downsizing to a smaller, more energy-efficient vehicle made practical sense as expansions were made and use increased at the Main Library and Bob Kirby Branch.
When COVID hit, the challenges of the pandemic forced us to reconsider delivery methods. Technology allowed us to serve those with Internet access, and ebook circulation went through the roof. Hosting video events on social media redefined traditional library programming and helped us connect with off-site users. But hurdles still existed, as a large population segment was unable to afford the luxury of digital access. From that challenging time arose our door-to-door delivery service, neighborhood programming and additional outreach vehicles with a smaller footprint.
In the past few years, the library has also teamed up with a number of community partners, with the determined focus of reaching as many as we can in underserved areas, with the mantra, “Can’t get to us? We’ll come to you!” Due in large part to those partnerships, the library now has in place a number of “satellite” locations, helping to improve access and address the socio-economic realities and transportation challenges faced by many. Here is a bit of information about our two newest sites:

Buchanon Park
This satellite branch, which opened this summer, is located near Chaney’s Dairy Barn at the Michael O. Buchanon Park, inside the Warren County Parks & Recreation Tennis Facility. As long as the tennis facility is open, library resources will be accessible to the public. Hours of operation are as follows:
● Monday: 10am-6pm
● Tuesday: 10am-6pm
● Wednesday: 10am-6pm
● Thursday: 10am-6pm
● Friday: 10am-6pm
● Saturday: 10am-2pm
Located at 1005 Boatlanding Road, the newest satellite opened in December in the newly renovated campus of HOTEL INC. Open to the public and accessible on the Pearl Street side, its hours are as follows:
● Tuesday: 9am-4pm (closed 12:30-1:30)
● Wednesday: 9am-4pm (closed 12:30-1:30)
● Thursday: 10am-6pm (closed 12:30-1:30)
● Friday: 9am-12:30pm
While there, library users can also shop at the Delafield Co-op Market, located in the same building. More information on it can be found at https://hotelincbg.com/delafield-co-op-market/.
Capitol Collection, Event Rental
Speaking of unique locations, when the library started leasing the Capitol in 2021, we thought it would make sense to also use a portion of the venue to reach library patrons who work and shop downtown. Since then, a small collection has been curated, including books and movies for adults and kids, most of which are related to theater or related arts. Downtown merchants and shoppers who place holds on items also have the option of selecting the Capitol as a pickup location. Book lovers can shop at the Capitol Bookstore, run by the Friends of the Library.
And if the Capitol Theater is a place you’d like to consider using for a family, friend or business event, that is possible, too! When not booked for performances, the facility can be rented out for parties and other social events (even romantic proposals!). The basic cost for theater rental is $90 per hour for the general public or $60 per hour for non-profit groups with a 501(c)(3) status. Movies can be shown for $90 per hour, as long as they are ones covered by the library’s public performance license (see www.movlic.com/ for listing). Schools can book field trips for $200-$250, and the pre-purchase of concessions can be arranged. A sound engineer or lighting specialist can be arranged for $50 per hour per technician. Special equipment requests may be arranged in advance for an additional fee.
If you’ve not visited the library before or would like to explore one of our satellites, drop by and we’ll be ready to answer any question you might have. Or give us a call at 270-781-4882 to connect to any location or office extension (via a great NEW phone system we just switched to). Just remember, a picture ID is all it takes to get a free library card, and there are perks galore! Peruse our website at www.warrenpl.org, and give us a follow on social media. You may be surprised at what you find!
-by Ashley Fowlkes, Branch Manager, Bob Kirby Branch, Warren County Public Library