At Timesavers Caregiving and Concierge, we are privileged to assist families as they begin the caregiving journey for their loved ones. We believe families need someone to help coordinate quality senior care. Timesavers would like to be your trusted companion on this deeply personal journey.
What is Timesavers? We are an independently owned, non-medical concierge and caregiving company. The company was founded in 2010 and solely owned by me since its inception. To each client, caregiver, and referral source, we are so grateful for your 13 years of support in the Bowling Green and Owensboro communities.
The impetus for founding a caregiving company came from trying to coordinate care for my father and grandmother. I could find sitters, but true professional caregivers were much harder. Also, I realized that my friends were facing the same dilemma. We were beginning to “parent our parents.” So, after a process of market research, I developed a business plan that involved a concierge and caregiving model and founded Timesavers in my hometown of Bowling Green.
Growing up in Bowling Green taught me that it is important to support your community and give back to others. I was blessed to have been nurtured by my family, raised in our local church, educated by loving teachers at Potter Gray, Bowling Green High, and WKU. These experiences drew me back to this region to establish Timesavers as a community asset for senior care.
Timesavers mission is to assist families in determining their senior care needs and develop a plan of action for coordinating care. Our goal is to enhance the quality of clients’ lives – throughout the caregiving journey.
As families begin to initiate care, they must address needs of health and safety. However, they often overlook the importance of quality of life. The emotional health of loved ones is so important. Try to remember your loved one in their best years – What did they love to do? What was their favorite activity? Who was important to them? What activities did they enjoy outside of the home? At Timesavers, we believe it is very important to incorporate these activities into your loved one’s care.
My mother was the beneficiary of Timesavers’ business model. She had received a devastating diagnosis of Alzheimer’s. As a family, we began her caregiving journey with a “personal assistant” a few days a week. As her illness progressed over the next seven years, we increased the level of care based on her changing needs. Our family also learned how important structure, consistency and rituals were for her well-being.
For example, Mother loved to sing. To incorporate that into her daily life, her primary caregiver would play music each morning so Mother could sing gospel hymns in her high soprano voice. Whether it was her attending church, SKyPAC, trips to the lake, picnics in the park, daily outings – she had an active and engaged life. She went sledding down Hospital Hill months before she died! This was made possible by a loving family and the quality of her caregivers.
As a family, we enhanced Mother’s care plan as her needs increased. Our goal was to give her quality of life each day she lived. We continually added caregivers to her care team and searched for the perfect fit with Mother’s energy level and interest. Her primary caregiver gave her the structure, love and devotion Mother needed to engage in her world every day.
Our caregiving journey would have been very different if we had just been trying to fill shifts in caregiving. We wanted a system of relationships that supported Mother and brought her joy. As a family, we built a team of senior care professionals, including her primary care physician, dentist, and various medical specialists. These skilled professionals helped us maintain Mother’s quality of life. For those that cared for her, we are eternally grateful.
At Timesavers Caregiving and Concierge, we have learned that families need help coordinating care and developing a care plan. It is our honor to take lessons learned from my mother’s journey and our 13 years of experience helping other families to assist you. Let Timesavers help you begin your caregiving journey.
-by Paula Smith Dermody