The library’s October events lineup is brimming with options to welcome you into the fall season!
Featured programs described in this article include author events, a free music concert, and a 5K co-hosted with Warren County Parks and Recreation. Grab your calendars and snag your tickets. There’s something this month for everyone!
Author presentations have been a hallmark of WCPL’s offerings for adults for many years, and this month we are lucky enough to host two authors in Bowling Green.
Coming to the Lisa Rice Library on Thursday, October 12, at 6pm is Patti Civalleri, who is both an author and travel expert. She co-authored Becoming Trader Joe with Joe Coulombe, the founder of the Trader Joe’s grocery chain. After he passed away just prior to the book’s publication in 2021, Civalleri continued on with his vision of sharing his story with the world. From its beginning in the 1960s to its eventual growth and rise in popularity, the book details how the chain became a model in the industry, while valuing its employees and eliminating the middlemen. It is both a memoir and a business guide. According to its description, “The book is peppered throughout with fun “foodie” nuggets that are sure to entertain and bring into context the way that the products finally shaped the company.” Find out more about the book at the program and learn more about the author at pattycivalleri.com.
The second opportunity to meet another talented author will take place Sunday, October 29, at 3pm at the Bob Kirby Branch Library, when Hope Gibbs takes the audience on a journey through her debut novel, Where the Grass Grows Blue. Her book has earned accolades and recognition, being named a finalist for Best New Fiction in the 2023 International Book Awards and receiving the 2023 Firebird Book Awards First Place distinction in multiple categories, including Best New Fiction, Best Romance, and Best Beach Read. Critics have praised the novel for its heartwarming narrative, strong female leads, and themes of love and redemption. Additional information and reviews can be found at her website, www.authorhopegibbs.com.
Free tickets are available for both author presentations at warrenpl.org/events.
You are also invited to attend a library-hosted bluegrass concert at the Capitol Saturday, October 21, at 6pm. The Bibelhauser Brothers will bring to the stage high-energy bluegrass-country-soul harmonies straight from the heart of Kentucky. Aaron and his identical twin brother Adam collaborated earlier in their careers in a band called Relic, and they have joined forces once again to record and perform together. In addition to performing, Aaron hosts the radio show Bluegrass Evolution, which airs every weekend on Louisville’s WFPK. For a foot-stomping good time, make plans to attend! Free tickets are available at capitolbg.org.
The last weekend of the month, WCPL will join forces with Warren County Parks and Recreation to host the first-ever Pup-kin 5K Run/Walk, Saturday, October 28. The race and activities begin at 8am at the Buchanon Tennis Facility and are scheduled to end by 11am. Whether you are a serious or casual runner, this dog-friendly, family-fun race is for you! Costumes are encouraged for both race participants and their cheerleaders. Well-behaved, leashed pups are welcome to walk or run the course with their humans. Each participant will receive a t-shirt and a free pumpkin at the race’s end. The event will also have bouncy houses, pumpkin-flavored food, and activities for kids of all ages, plus special guests, Bluey & Scooby Doo, will be on hand for photo ops! Donations will be collected for the Bowling Green/Warren County Humane Society (check out the wish list at www.bgshelterpets.com/wish-list.html). Prizes will be awarded for best-dressed and top race times in age and gender divisions. Online registration can be found at runsignup.com/Race/KY/BowlingGreen/Pupkin5k.
Finally, in case you ever wonder how to best keep up with all the library’s events, here are a few things you can do to stay connected and informed:
- Like us on Facebook. If you like our page, you’re more likely to see our posts when you’re scrolling through your friends’ photos and updates!
- Follow us on Instagram. We work to make our posts informative and creative, and sometimes they’re fun, too!
- Follow us on X (what used to be Twitter). Elon hasn’t scared us away yet!
- Sign up for our online newsletter. We’ll email you event announcements, so you’ll be the first to know! Registration and ticket links are included in most program announcements.
- Browse our online calendar (warrenpl.org). From there, you can add individual events to your Google calendar, iCalendar, or Outlook 365, or Outlook Live, or you can subscribe to WCPL’s entire calendar of events. If registration is required or a ticket is needed, calendar entries contain those links.
- Keep reading SOKY Happenings! We submit our events to the calendar printed in this magazine, and its editors are wonderful at helping us share events with the community at large.
We want to make it easy than ever for you to find out what’s going on at WCPL, now and through the year. Hope to see you soon at the library! Have a great October!
-submitted by Ashley Fowlkes, Digital Content Manager