Godstock 31: The Sound

Each year since 1993, on the weekend after Labor Day, the people of Hillvue Heights Church have invited their families, friends, and neighbors to Barren River Lake State Park to hear the Gospel of Jesus. This weekend is affectionately called “Godstock.” Sandi Carter, a Warren County resident for 33 years and long-time Hillvue member, has been to every Godstock. “It started off simple. We were all in pup tents, camping together. It was about community – the church building is great, but it’s vital for the people of the church to be together to grow,” Carter reflected. 

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What began with a small group in the Barren River Lake State Park campground in 1993, God has grown to an annual worship weekend that engages over 1500 people through three days full of experiences for all ages. 

This year, Godstock began on Friday, September 6th, 2024 with a free meal and worship service. The theme for this year was “The Sound” – a reference to the story from the book of Acts in the Bible, “…[The disciples of Jesus] were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the house where they were…” (Acts 2:1-2). The heartbeat for the weekend was that anyone who came within earshot of Godstock would hear the sound of the Gospel of Jesus.

The Friday night service was different from any other Godstock before it: it was raining. And I mean raining! South Warren High School senior Carmen Briggs was there during the downpour. “No one even worried about the rain. Since we are Hillvue, we are just going to make it happen… what’s about to happen is greater than rain.” And she was right. At the end of the service, 12 people experienced their baptisms in portable pools that had been set up on the field.

To this day, the campground remains central to the Godstock weekend. After the Friday night service, Matt and Cherie Wisniewski, residents of Warren County since 2004, hosted over 100 people at their campsite area for a fish fry and homemade ice cream. “It’s bigger than just Hillvue [now]. People see that church is more than just a Sunday appointment, but really knowing Jesus is living life together, because our church is our family,” Cherie said. Matt shared how there is such a welcoming aspect to this community event, “People that had never been were amazed at how real and welcoming everyone was. It was very heart-warming, because it wasn’t just ‘doing church.’”

On Saturday morning, runners gathered at the Barren River Lake State Park Lodge for the Godstock 5K. At the golf course, 120 golfers participated in the Godstock Golf Scramble. The middle school, high school, and university students spent the day on boats and at the beach, while at the main field, Hillvue’s Kids Ministry had inflatables and games for families. There were volleyball games and a cornhole tournament throughout the day as well. Then everyone reconvened at the field Saturday evening.

Lead Pastor Steve Ayers has been preaching Godstock messages since it began, and to him, God’s word was very clear this year. “God opened the ears of the people that night so that they could hear the love in His voice which allowed them to connect with the truth of the cross.” This foundational belief – that the love of God for humans is most clearly seen in the death of Jesus on the cross and subsequent resurrection from the grave – has been at the heart of Hillvue since Pastor Steve arrived in 1991.

Donna Wofford, who has been a member of Hillvue Heights Church since she arrived in Warren County in 1969, made it out to Godstock for the Sunday morning service. She reflected on what God has done at Hillvue and through Godstock over the years. “[Godstock] has always been about the sense of community, an opportunity to get to know each other outside of the church walls. What touched me [this year] just as much was our young people. They are just on fire. Sometimes I am discouraged with where the church (worldwide) is. But to see our young people, leading in worship… the worldwide church is going to be okay.”

Each Godstock ends with a baptism service at the beach area of the state park. All in all throughout the weekend, God made the sound of His love clear, and 110 people professed their faith in Jesus Christ through baptism.

Godstock is for anyone. It doesn’t matter your age, background, race, job, gender, or what church you do or don’t go to. We just want people in South Central Kentucky to know that there’s a God who made them, loves them, has a plan for them, and wants a relationship with them. We hope you join us for Godstock 32!

-by Ben Brewster

Connections Pastor

Hillvue Heights Church

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