What is worship? Some people think worship is simply a style of music, others think it has to do with raising your hands, others may think of prayer. While worship can encompass all of those things, the true meaning of worship is simply to “honor with extravagant love and extreme submission” (Webster’s Dictionary, 1828). So to worship God is to honor Him by submitting our lives to Him wholeheartedly in love. God is worthy, and we choose to worship God simply because of who He is.
When Jesus started the church, He created a unified body of believers founded solely on the fact that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God, and the only way to Heaven. Somewhere along the line, however, we have gotten off track. We have made our gatherings more about our own personal preferences than about truly worshipping our Savior. Rather than humbling ourselves at His feet, we’ve made lists of rules to follow and puffed out our chests thinking we are more holy and pleasing to God than the people gathered at the church next to ours. We’ve split and divided His church to the point that believers are almost scared to come together in worship. This surely is not what Jesus intended. It is surely not what He gave his life for.
It’s time that the church put aside its differences and worship God as one body of believers. We must focus on what unites us rather than what divides us.
Let us gather together as one collective body of Jesus worshippers and humble ourselves, pray, seek His face, and beg for God’s mercy on our land! God is faithful. I believe he can and will heal our land and spark revival in our community if we are willing to humble ourselves in worship.
In 2012, God laid it on the heart of a man in Bowling Green to unite the churches through an event called Worship Kentucky. By putting aside our differences and focusing on the one thing that truly matters – Jesus – we can be a unified flame that ignites revival in our world. Worship Kentucky is a unique opportunity to spend a whole day worshipping our Savior. And we can rest assured that if He is lifted up, He will draw all men unto Himself.
This year at Worship Kentucky, we will have worship leaders and praise teams from all over the South Central Kentucky region lead us in a day of simply liftingup the name of Jesus. Saturday, September 16, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Bowling Green Ballpark is a chance to truly make a difference in our world. Let’s gather as His united church to worship the only One who is worthy. Entrance is free, but canned goods will be collected for local food banks. A free lunch will be served from noon to 2 p.m.
We have turned a blind eye far too long. It’s impossible to deny what is going on in our world and even in our own churches. Families are broken and lives are being torn apart. These are deep wounds in our land that only God can heal. Alone, you are just one person, but when we come together in humble worship on September 16, God will hear our cry. He is faithful to His promises, and He will heal our land. He will spark a flame of revival that will change our city, change our state, change our country, and change our world. So drop everything and make plans to join us. When we stand united in God’s presence, we will leave forever changed.
For more information about Worship Kentucky, visit www.worshipky.com. You can also find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/worshipkentucky.