EDITOR’S NOTE: Congratulations to Dan Harbison and Carmen Calvert as their home won Best In Show, Best Kitchen, Best Master Suite and Best Outdoor Living in the 2017 Builders Association of South Central Kentucky Parade of Homes!
by Clarissa Smith
Recently Dan Harbison and his fiancé, Carmen Calvert, finished construction on their Hospital Hill downtown bungalow and asked Ford’s Furniture to help design and decorate the interior. This was such a great opportunity to work with a wonderful client on a beautiful and unique space, and we were so excited to help them reach their goals and to be a part of this Parade of Homes property.
“Dan and I decided to build a bungalow downtown, so we contacted Ford’s Furniture,” Carmen said. “I showed Clarissa an idea of what I wanted, and she made it all come to life.”
When Carmen came to Ford’s she brought photos of things she liked that she had gotten on the Internet and from magazines. I always say, “Give me ideas of what you like,” so we can see exactly what the customer wants and what their tastes are. We listen to the client, and the examples allow us to know exactly what their wants and needs are for their home.
We started with an open dining area and sort of mixed some woods along with metal (such a great look) including a sofa table with chains on it to create a bit more of a contemporary look. We also used a lot of gray and linen colors. Those colors were really big at the last furniture market and in catalogs and many decorating websites.
Next, we moved into a beautiful casual family area. Something that is so important and that Carmen and I discussed is how rugs and accessories actually make a room. If you take the rugs and accessories away you just have a sofa and two chairs that tell you little about the owner’s taste and personality. We wanted to warm up the living area, and Carmen really wanted a contemporary look and that’s what we accomplished with the prints and lamps. We added the shades of gray with a little bit of a light touch to soften the entire area. Then we tied in an eight-foot round rug just to get the linen color with the grays helping us to blend the two rooms into one beautiful area.
Next came the master bedroom where we used an excellent line of furniture from Ford’s called Universal. We started the room with the bed, featuring a tufted headboard in gray, which was a look Carmen was really interested in. It also has nail head trim and a more weathered, driftwood look to the wood… just part of the Universal line that is available to view on theFord’s website.
From the master suite we moved upstairs to their fun room (movie room) a comfortable area to relax and watch videos. We started with a couple of pieces they had previously purchased, actually also from Ford’s, and we just added to them. Carmen had a beautiful, decorative trunk that we used as a coffee table in front of a big, overstuffed, super comfortable sofa. We chose a piece from Universal to support the video screen and offer great storage space for movies and such. We also added a high-top table with bar stools for a snack area for food and drinks with family and friends, tying it all together for just a really comfortable room.
Carmen and Dan love the couch. She said, “This couch is amazing. Dan and I can both curl up on the couch comfortably and watch movies… it’s perfect!”
I think we took Dan and Carmen’s thoughts and ideas and tied them together in a unique, beautiful and comfortable home. We always say, “When we leave here you live here!” At Ford’s Furniture our ultimate goal is for your home to be what you want it to be.
“The finished project was everything Dan and I had imagined!” Carmen said. What higher praise could we seek from a client? Contact us at Ford’s Furniture, and we’ll help you create your dream space, too.
VIDEO PRODUCER’S NOTE: Clarrisa and Carmen are barefooted in the video due to noise from their high heels on the beautiful hardwood floors which was driving the audio technician crazy. Please don’t pick on them about it or I’ll NEVER hear the end of it as they took their pretty heels off under protest.
About the Author:
Clarissa Smith received her education from David Lipscomb University and Western Kentucky University in the field of design. A former visual merchandiser for Castner-Knott, she decorated on the side. She has decorated Parade homes in Fountain Trace and Covington Grove plus a wide variety of commercial buildings including Chandler Park, Chandler Assisted Living and Hospice along with several banks and doctors’ offices. She has been employed as a buyer of accessories and the on-staff designer at Ford’s Furniture for 12 years.