submitted by Warren County Public Library
If you are looking to boost your personal book collection while also helping a good cause, then mark your calendars for the Friends of the Library (FOL) Used Book Sale, being held Friday, September 15, through Sunday, September 17, at the Bob Kirby Branch Library located at 175 Iron Skillet Court in Bowling Green.
This annual event is the major fundraiser for the Friends of the Library–Warren County with proceeds going to fund various projects that fall outside the Warren County Public Library’s budget. Recent examples of giving include a $14,000 donation to the WCPL’s Summer and Winter Reading programs, as well as the purchase of hands-on learning materials aimed at helping children enhance motor skills and kindergarten readiness.
Aside from the monetary donations that resulted from the fundraiser, the used book sale also produced over 417 hours by 29 volunteers during last year’s sale alone. Many of these hours were spent unpacking and organizing thousands of donated books in the days preceding the sale. FOL members also spend time during the sale assisting customers, organizing collections, and restocking the tables as items are purchased.
Volunteering is at the heart of much of the Friends of the Library’s contributions to WCPL. Officers and members alike give of their time at many of the author events hosted by the library, as well as at the annual Polar Express event held at the Historic RailPark and Train Museum, just to name a few.
With the sale now in its third year of being held at the Bob Kirby Branch Library, FOL President Lynn Kruger said the facility has allowed the book sale more room to expand. In fact, it was the annual book sale that first attracted her to the Friends of the Library organization.
“I started as a customer at the book sale back when it was held at the train depot,” Kruger said.
Over eight years later, Kruger is wrapping up the final months of her six-year term as President of the Friends of the Library, though she continues to serve on the state FOL board. Last December, Kruger was recognized by the Kentucky state chapter of the Friends of the Library as the “2016 Outstanding Friend of the Year” for her dedication to the Warren County chapter.
After moving to the Smiths Grove area from central Ohio in 2003, Kruger attributes the Warren County Public Library and the FOL chapter as a primary source for helping to make her new community feel like home.
“I have really come to think of the library organization as family,” Kruger said. “When I was a kid the library was a place to come get a book, but the Warren County Public Library offers residents so much more than that today.”
Citing the wide variety of programs the Warren County Public Library offers, from Preschool Problem Solvers to calligraphy and yoga classes, Kruger said that WCPL is a true asset to the community. She emphasized the quality of programs offered by the library, especially in comparison to other towns of this size, and said WCPL’s innovation continually serves as inspiration to her and fellow FOL members in their efforts to be of assistance to the library.
WCPL Director Lisa Rice said these programs could not be achieved if it were not for the ongoing commitment and support by Friends of the Library members like Kruger.
“Lynn has truly been a gift to the FOL organization and to the Warren County Public Library,” Rice said. “Her enthusiasm and determination have helped propel the FOL organization, and she has always been there, ready and willing to help however needed.”
Much of FOL’s giving results from the funding derived from the annual used book sale. Kruger said she, along with her nearly 500 fellow Friends of the Library–Warren County members, help to collect the volumes that will be available for purchase. Book donations are currently being accepted at all four locations of the Warren County Public Library including the Main Library on State Street, Bob Kirby Branch, Smiths Grove Branch, and the Graham Drive Branch.
If you are considering becoming a member of the Friends of the Library organization, Kruger said September’s Used Book Sale is a perfect opportunity. In addition to receiving access to a members-only preview sale on Thursday, she also emphasized that the $10 annual membership entitles members to a free book during the preview. Anyone wanting to sign up to become a member can do so the night of the sale. Credit cards will be accepted throughout the entirety of the event.
Kruger also highlighted other incentives the FOL have implemented to help residents support FOL efforts. These include the Kroger Community Rewards Program, where card holders can sign up to have the Warren County Friends of the Library receive a percentage of each sale every time they shop and swipe their Kroger Plus Card. Additionally, the FOL has recently partnered with Amazon Smile to allow residents to designate the Friends of the Library–Warren County as their charitable donation of choice. Both of these options are easy ways anyone can contribute to the organization through purchases they were already going to make.
For a complete listing of hours the FOL Used Book Sale will be operating, please refer to the schedule insert included on this page. Additional information on the Friends of the Library upcoming Used Book Sale can be found by visiting the Warren County Public Library’s website at http:///event/fol-used-book-sale-kirby/. To find out more about joining Friends of the Library, check out the WCPL website at http://warrenpl.org/about/friends-of-the-library/.