The holidays are here, and what better a time to share the gift of a healthier life! Bowling Green Athletic Club offers you a chance not only to make changes towards a healthier you but also to support you on the journey.
Around this time of year we get quite a few questions similar to, “How can I stay fit during the holiday with all the food and sweets around?” The easiest answer is to practice balance. It’s okay to live a little and have a slice of pie or some stuffing, but make sure you’re still filling up on mostly veggies and lean protein. If you know you’re going to eat a bigger meal for lunch, then maybe go lighter for breakfast and dinner. It’s all about finding your balance.
This time of year we also have a lot of people come to us with excuses on why they aren’t reaching their fitness goals, so we thought we’d help show you ways you can overcome those obstacles.
Common Excuse: “I just don’t have the time to work out.”
Fix: You have to make the time! Know that you are just as important as the laundry or taking care of the kids. Make a list of the things that take up your time during the week and see where you could make changes.
Common Excuse: “I started off going all the tim,e but then I fell off track.”
Fix: Our trainers are great at keeping you accountable. You can set a weekly schedule with a trainer to stay accountable and keep you on track toward yours fitness goals.
Working Out 101
Common Excuse: “I have no idea what to do when I go to the gym so why go?”
Fix: Our group fitness classes are the perfect place to start. Each class is designed so that all you have to do is show up and follow our instructors as they guide you through the workout. We also offer a gym education class that is specific to our facility. We show you equipment that you may not know how to use and answer any questions you’ve got about the Club.
As the New Year begins don’t just start a resolution, find a solution at BAC.
Make sure to be on the lookout for our New Year Specials going on all of January. You can find that and more information by following us on social media or checking out our website .