submitted by Khatelin White, BGHS Choir Student
Do you like fairy tales? Are you a princess, or do you know one? Have you seen “The Princess and the Pea?” Well, if you thought you knew the story, you may be in for a walloping surprise! Did you know, for instance, that Princess Winnifred actually swam the moat to reach Prince Dauntless the Drab? Or that Lady Larken’s love for Sir Harry provided a rather compelling reason that she reach the bridal altar post haste? Or that, in fact, it wasn’t the pea at all that caused the princess a sleepless night?
Do you want to know the full story? Then come join us as Bowling Green High School Choral Activities presents “Once Upon a Mattress!” Carried on a wave of wonderful songs, by turns hilarious and raucous, romantic and melodic, this rollicking spin on the familiar classic of royal courtship and comeuppance provides for some sidesplitting shenanigans. Chances are you’ll never look at fairy tales quite the same way again.
“Once Upon a Mattress” will be performed in the Bowling Green Junior High School auditorium Friday, March 9, and Saturday, March 10, at 7 p.m. and Sunday, March 11, at 3 p.m. Bowling Green Junior High is located on Campbell Lane.
Tickets will be sold at the door as general admission for $10. Do you want to reserve the perfect seat? Well, you can! Tickets for reserved seating are available online at www.eventbrite.com. You will need a credit or debit card to purchase your tickets. Tickets are on sale now! Reserved ticket sales end March 8 at 8 a.m.
To purchase tickets on Eventbrite, simply enter “Once Upon a Mattress” into the search bar and make sure your location is Bowling Green. Be sure to use Eventbrite on a computer; if you use a phone or tablet, the website will choose your seat for you. In order to pick your seat, use a laptop or desktop computer.
Bring your prince or princess to see this wonderful story! We can’t wait for you to visit the kingdom!