If you have ever been invited to a masquerade ball, the first thing you will notice is the key objective of such a festive occasion is that of hiding one’s identity behind a masquerade facial mask. Long ago, in the 15th century, a masquerade function was known as a carnival and this kind of event or celebration took place at weddings and social affairs within medieval societies. The extravaganza consisted of parades and pageants for the elite of the medieval era, including the participation of members of the medieval court. Masquerade balls included lots of music and dancing and were used for entertainment purposes. These big lavish parties always took place in the evening and the environment was that of gaiety. Things making it so
much fun included the eating, drinking, music, games, and dancing!
So, how much fun does this sound!! In honor of the wonderful 80’s era of great hair and great music, Steve Rose of Werner Rose Events is preparing this year’s Venetian Ball to benefit Family Enrichment Center. Everyone is invited! Choose 80’s prom attire or evening wear with a mask. Our Ball will be held at the Sloan Convention Center on May 19 at 6 p.m. Unlike Capote’s ball, it doesn’t matter how rich or famous you are – Graves Gilbert Clinic and Family Enrichment Center hope you’ll join us for this great event to help Family Enrichment Center “unmask child abuse” in our community! Tickets are available now and can be purchased at www.venetianballfec.com. Individual tickets are $60 and couples tickets are $100. Tables are also available and are a great way to reward employees, bond with your coworkers, or split with friends! Buying a table also means you’ll be featured in our event program. Tables seat 10 and can be purchased for $500.
Family Enrichment Center celebrates every opportunity we get to transform our community into a place that cares about – and actively supports – families and children. By ensuring that all parents have access to quality childcare, parenting education resources, affordable health services, and substance abuse and mental health programs, we make progress towards changing the fabric of our community. A community that cares about early childhood development and parent support is more likely to see families nurturing children who are born healthy and enter school ready to learn. Cities and towns that work to create good school systems and who come together to ensure that affordable housing is available in good, safe neighborhoods are less likely to see stressed, isolated families who don’t know where to turn.
Family Enrichment Center’s mission is to encourage great families by empowering families and providing education, social support, crisis intervention, and a safe environment for parents and their children. Our agency works every day to promote healthy family functioning through assistance and treatment of the entire family and to increase public awareness, knowledge and sensitivity toward child abuse and neglect so that full community support and involvement may be enlisted to eliminate this serious social problem.
For more information about Family Enrichment Center, Inc. visit our website at www.FamilyEnrichmentCenter.com or call 270-781-6714.
Family Enrichment Center is supported by the Cabinet of Health and Family Services, Kappa Delta, Prevent Child Abuse Kentucky, United Way of Southern Kentucky, WHAS Crusade for Children, and local businesses/community contributions.