Warren County’s Waste Tire Drop-off Program enables the public to gather and dispose of scrap tires at no expense to them. It also helps them avoid costly fines and disposal fees for having illegal tires on their properties. The last “tire amnesty,” as the event was once called, was three years ago and collected over 75,000 tires in Warren County.
Take advantage of this one-time opportunity May 3 through May 5 (Thursday, Friday and Saturday), between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. when any Warren County resident or property owner can bring old tires, including those on rims, to the county’s Louisville Road Salt Barn at 999 Lauren Avery Dr., accessible in the 5500 block of U.S. 31W ByPass or Louisville Road. Signs will be posted at the site.
Service stations and trucking firms also may bring their tires for recycling, but tire retailers, registered waste tire haulers and salvage yards are prohibited from participation under state guidelines.
Acceptable tires must be brought to the drop-off site; none will be accepted in advance of the amnesty or afterward. However, sites containing the equivalent of 1,500 tires or more may be scheduled for on-site pickup at a later date. These sites must be reported, in advance of the collection event, to the county’s Division for Environmental Planning & Assistance or the Bowling Green Field office for the Department of Environmental Protection.
UNACCEPTABLE TIRES – Solid, foam-filled or calcium-filled and off-road tires, as well as those with a rim bead thicker than one inch cannot be accepted. Please do not bring these to the site, as they will be rejected.
Kentucky Waste Tire Trust Fund money, generated from a $1 fee paid on the sale of each new tire, is being tapped to pay for the disposal. The state Environmental and Public Protection Cabinet’s Division of Waste Management manages the fund and coordinates tire collections statewide.
Warren County Regional Jail is providing manpower to assist individuals in removing tires from their vehicles once they arrive at the acceptance site.
For more information or assistance, contact the Warren County Division for Environmental Planning & Assistance at 270-843-5353, ext. 102 or go to www.warrencountyky.gov.