by Peggy Goodman
The Far Off Broadway Players will present Osborne and Eppler’s Southern Fried Funeral dinner theater at Cave City Convention Center July 27, 28, and 29.
This hilarious show, directed by Charley Goodman, is about the Frye family of Mississippi. After Dewey Frye’s sudden death, the rest of his family is left to pick up the pieces – that is if they don’t kill each other first. Not only does matriarch Dorothy have to contend with sudden widowhood, but she’s also faced with church-committee harpy Ozella
Meeks sticking her nose in the family business, Dewey’s snake-in-the-grass brother making a grab for her house, and two grown daughters reliving their childhood rivalry. Funerals bring out the worst, the best, and the funniest in people, and the Fryes are no exception. This is a big-hearted comedy about family – Southern-style.
The show’s cast is made up of several veteran actors and a few actors who will be taking the stage for their first production. Playing the widow Frye is Sandy Roberts Dunn who is a veteran actor of local community theater. As the mother of Harlene, played by Carla Bush, and Sammy Jo, played by Sheila Atwell, the widow Frye has her job cut out for her to keep the peace. Their younger brother is played by Allen Hogan who gives a spot-on performance as the uncomplicated Dewey, Jr.
Other actors new to FOBP are Beau Bruton who delivers a very convincing performance in his first acting role as friend of the family, Benny Charles. Other family friends are Fairy June, whose name says it all, played by Dana Buccola, and Leigh Witty as the always sweet and supportive Martha Ann.
Peggy Goodman, long time actor with the group, will be filling the role of Ozella, the nosy chairwoman of the Sonshine Committee. Other seasoned FOBP actors include John Botts as the lawyer torn between representing the reprehensible Uncle Dubb, played by Chris Bartley, and the Frye family. Brian Pack has been cast as Beecham, long suffering husband of Sammy Jo.
The buffet dinner, catered by Diane White, will include turkey and dressing, roast beef with gravy, squash casserole, variety of vegetables, beverage, and pecan pie or Coca-Cola cake for dessert. A cash bar will be available.
Doors open at 5:30 p.m. with dinner at 6 p.m. and show at 7 p.m. Tables seat eight, so why not get a group of friends together to attend the show. Groups are encouraged to have one person make reservations for the group.
Call the Cave City Convention Center at 270-773-3131 or go to www.cavecityconventioncenter.com for reservations. Tickets are $35 for dinner theater July 27 and 28 and $15 for show only on July 29 at 2 p.m. matinee. Dinner reservations are encouraged by July 25. After that date, please call for ticket availability. We hope you’ll join us for a fun night!