Ahhhh… The clean, fresh smell after a rain shower or the first hyacinth of spring. Fragrances have an immediate effect on the mind’s receptors. Uh oh! The smell of a skunk hit on the road or that dish you forgot about in the back of the refrigerator that has turned into a science project – you can’t grab your nose or hold your breath fast enough! The fragrances (or odors) of life are powerful. Some are wonderful, some horrible. At Nutrition Center, we use essential oils (also referred to as aromatherapy) everyday to make the day more pleasant for our customers and employees. Essential oils are so versatile they can be enjoyed in many ways other than by simply smelling them. They can be applied to the skin, sometimes straight and sometimes with a carrier oil to dilute their power. They can be added to your soap, shampoo, conditioner or bath water. Some Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade oils can be ingested. Just think how well a little peppermint, ginger or fennel helps your upset tummy.
In this day and age of artificial chemical fragrances, Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils are like a breath of fresh air! Those of us who are sensitive to chemical fragrances are bombarded on a daily basis with odors from all around us: perfume, cologne, fabric softener, room and fabric deodorizers, scented soap and household cleaners, to name a few. They cause a myriad of symptoms from allergies that turn into bronchitis to vomiting to just not being able to catch one’s breath or think clearly. The church I attend has made a no perfume policy because several people were unable to attend because of so much chemical fragrance!
On Saturday July 21, we have set aside a whole day (9 a.m.-6 p.m.) to devote to education in the use of essential oils. We will start early in the day with a beginner’s class and continue throughout the day with more advanced classes and demonstrations ending with a class on how to build your own business using essential oils. We will offer FREE Zytoscans to everyone that day to help determine which oils will benefit you most.
Our teacher for the day will be Phillip Rogers, N.D. Phillip is a Kentucky native who has been a natural practitioner for 20+ years who has his own story to tell of how essential oils have changed his life for the better. He will not only be teaching but also demonstrating how to use the oils to make your own health and beauty products and cleaning supplies. He will also be happy to answer any questions that you have in between classes and demonstrations. You know, when you clean your house with essential oils, not only are you saving yourself and your family from harmful chemicals, you are also getting an aromatherapy treatment at the same time. We offer lots of supplies for making your own products like beeswax, shea butter, cocoa butter, etc. as well as glass spray bottles, dropper bottles, roll-on bottles salve jars, etc.
Last, but by no means least, we are offering a night class just for men! That’s right, no girls allowed! This class will be held the following Monday night, July 23, from 6 to 8 p.m. Guys, here’s your chance to ask Phillip questions that you might not want to ask with your wife or girlfriend around.
You may call or come by the store or check our Facebook page to find a more detailed schedule of classes/demonstrations the week before July 21. Set aside the day to enhance your mind and your senses with us.
Thank you for shopping with your local businesses!