The Women’s Ministry of the First Baptist Church of Bowling Green invites you to join them for a spirit-filled day of inspiration, Bible study and fellowship on Saturday, September 15. Experience God’s faithfulness with Beth Moore as she celebrates her twentieth year of Living Proof Ministries. A best-selling author of numerous Bible studies and devotion books, Beth founded Living Proof Ministries in 1994 with the goal of teaching women to love and live in God’s word. Beth has written numerous books and Bible studies including “Breaking Free,” “Believing God,” and “When Godly People Do Ungodly Things.” Her most recent Bible study, “The Quest,” is available now. These resources have been read by women of all ages throughout the world. Living Proof Live Women’s Conferences have been held in 39 states and many different countries. Over 500,000 women have participated in her amazing conferences of spirit-filled revival as she has led women in their personal walk with Christ.
In 2004, Beth began a radio ministry called Living Proof with Beth Moore. At her home church, Houston First Baptist, she is a dedicated Sunday School teacher, teaching a class of 700 members weekly. She also hosts an interdenominational Bible study for women in her beloved city of Houston.
Travis Cottrell, a Dove award-winning musician, will be leading the praise and worship time for the simulcast. Travis and his praise team and musicians have traveled the world with Beth since 1998. Beth and Travis challenge women around the world with words of hope, faith and encouragement.
First Baptist Church will provide an environment for the women of South Central Kentucky to encounter the teaching of Beth Moore on Saturday, September 15, as she is streaming live from Huntsville, Alabama at The Propst Arena. The doors at FBC open at 8:30 a.m.
Coffee will be provided. Upon entering you will receive your nametag, ticket and gift bag. The simulcast begins promptly at 9:30 a.m. in the sanctuary. Lunch will be served in the Fellowship Hall following the morning session. Musical entertainment will be provided by “One Voice” during lunch. Numerous door prizes and gift baskets will be given away during this time of food and fellowship. The afternoon session begins promptly at 1 p.m. in the sanctuary. There will be a snack break at 3 p.m. with the simulcast concluding at 4:15 p.m. Counseling and a time of prayer will also be available at this time.
The Women’s Ministry is providing an on-site bookstore for this event. T-shirts, many of Beth’s latest books and devotional CDs will be available for sale. A devotion guide that accompanies the simulcast will be for sale in the bookstore as well. Travis Cottrell’s latest CD “The Reason” will also be available. The bookstore will open at 8:30 a.m. prior to the simulcast. It will be closed from 9:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. and reopen during lunch until 1 p.m. when the afternoon session begins. It will open again during the afternoon break and purchases may be made following the simulcast. Supplies are limited.
Tickets may be purchased online at www.firstbaptistbg.org. Please include your name and those attending with you and your contact information when purchasing a ticket online. Your ticket will be available for pick-up at the registration table. Tickets may also be purchased in the church office at 12th and Chestnut streets in Bowling Green. Office hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday and on Sunday before and after worship services. The cost is $20 per person and includes lunch. For questions or more information you may contact Alice Rockhold at 270-535-2496, BK Beckner at 270-779-0875, or go to the church website at www.firstbaptistbg.org.