by Tony Bishop, E-RYT
You may find yourself beginning to acclimate to the heat and humidity of southern Kentucky as summer becomes more intense. But what is the number one complaint from nearly every person living in the region during this time of year? Discomfort. We feel as though we can’t breathe well, we may feel “baked” in the sun as the heat beats down upon us, and we are sticky and irritable much of the time. What if all that could change this summer? What if you found a way to feel energetic, happy, healthy, and comfortable all year… including during the hottest parts of the summer?
Get ready to feel the un-burn. Get ready to enjoy something that has been in Bowling Green for nearly 12 years and has grown in popularity steadily during that time with everyone from 3-year-old kids to 95-year-old adults. Get ready to be healthier than ever.
Hot Yoga is the reason summer can be your season!
It’s really easy to do. You can connect with Hot Yoga by starting an unlimited week or purchasing a “Quick-Start” introductory package and then enjoy discovering how good you can be in ways you may have never thought possible. Really. Check it out…
Hot Yoga is actually not intimidating. It’s exhilarating, exciting, relaxing and refreshing. It’s fun. It’s healthy, and it’s very therapeutic. It’s healing and happiness. The first step is yours! Discover what will make this the best summer you’ve ever had.
Breathe better!
We teach you how to breathe most efficiently, even in the brutal heat of southern Kentucky summer. Your breathing translates to better oxygen intake and even to healthier and calmer mental clarity and control. Lung function and lung capacity can actually increase through practicing Hot Yoga, helping make any activity much easier and more enjoyable.
The Best Cardio!
Hot Yoga is the absolute best, healthiest cardio available anywhere. Contrary to popular belief, “cardio” doesn’t need to be a situation during which your heart is totally pounding through your chest and ears. Healthy cardio, as in Hot Yoga’s calculated control, burns more calories and body fat with lasting results. Our yogis and yoginis burn from 400 to more than 1,500 calories per class with no impact on the joints!
Weight Control!
Nothing makes you feel better during hot weather than being lighter and stronger while breathing better and more smoothly. Some of our yoga family have lost more than 100 lbs. and have kept it off consistently.
Muscle tone, strength and power!
Hot Yoga in hot weather? A spring in your step and ease of movement makes for enjoyment in all summer activities including hiking, running, swimming, golfing, cycling, team sports, canoeing or kayaking and many others. This yoga stimulates virtually 100% of the muscles and supports joint strength along with endurance of the muscles and efficiency among muscle groups working together.
Flexibility and injury prevention!
Most physicians are endorsing the prevention of health issues and injuries as opposed to correcting and rehabbing problems. This yoga is the pinnacle of preparation for the body to move into other activities, and at the same time is instrumental in helping the healing process for many, many existing injuries.
The best “prescription” for runners and walkers!
Several of our yoga folks have actually received prescriptions from their doctors for Hot Yoga! For the walker, hiker and runner… Hot Yoga strengthens, stretches, lengthens, and creates suppleness in the I.T. bands, ankles, calves, quads, glutes, hips and ligaments and tendons supporting the knees and other jo
Fun and enjoyment!
Making Hot Yoga a regular part of your life in such a supportive, fun group of people – including unrivaled, highly trained teachers – is so much fun in and of itself. This activity stands alone as probably the best all-around thing you can do for your body, and also complements any and all other physical endeavors!
Efficient sweat and detoxification!
Hot Yoga creates cardiac drift… opens the pores of the skin for an unbelievable flow of energy through respiration, higher engagement of all systems of the body including the lymphatic system, for flushing toxins from the body while oxygenating every cell. Summer heat becomes a non-factor as you become physically tuned for every environment imaginable.
Calm mind with deeper relaxation & awareness!
You will experience the best sleep of your life, finding your breath control and mental clarity with relaxation abilities to be amazing. Try beginning with a “Restorative” or “Traditional” or even a private class as you start your practice. You will be welcomed by the friendliest, most compassionate people ever!
Bring yourself and your curiosity. Begin an exciting chapter in your life.
And now, here it is… Your August, 2018 “Pause for a Pose” – The Advanced Horse Stance
This posture is also used in many martial arts disciplines for strength and mental concentration. Stand straight up with feet together. Step the right foot out to the side, approximately three feet. Inhale deeply, and upon exhaling slowly float down into a squat position until the thighs are parallel to the ground or floor. Straighten the back as much as possible, keeping body weight back into the heels, pushing the hips forward and engaging the abdominals and gluteals. Advance by raising both arms up, reaching toward the heavens and then bringing the hands together in overhead prayer. Breathe smoothly and deeply, holding the pose for 21 full breaths or up to 1.5 minutes. Modifications: Raise or lower the height of your stance to comfort level and vary duration. Challenge: Hold for 2 minutes or more and concentrate on keeping the breath smooth and deep, flexing muscles throughout the body. Enjoy practicing this posture all month! We’ll see you tomorrow at Hot Yoga. And for now, God bless and namaste’!
About the Author:
Tony Bishop, E-RYT/RYT/CYT is director and chief instructor with Hot Yoga Bowling Green. He has some 6,000 hours teaching experience in yoga alone, is registered with Yoga Alliance, and has experience and certifications in many varied physical trainings including Hatha Yoga, Yoga Teacher Training (having trained more than 70 new teachers in the past 10 years), Yoga Coaching, Yoga Personal Training, Sil lum Kung Fu, Tai Chi exercise, PowerHouse Pilates instruction, various boot camp programs, spinning instruction, core conditioning, and more. Tony is a dedicated yoga researcher and proponent of more progressive movement and teaching methodology. Contact Tony: email hotyogabg@yahoo.com, website www.hotyogabg.com, telephone 270-793-0011, or at Hot Yoga, 730 Fairview Avenue, Suite C2, Bowling Green KY 42101.