Ford’s Furniture would like to introduce a new selection of chairs by SoCozi. Talk about everything but the kitchen sink rolled up into a reclining chair! The SoCozi has many great options. The benefits of various options include improved sleep, reduced pain, increased muscle movements, promotion of proper posture, reduced risk of injury and more. That’s just a brief list of the many reasons why you would want to make an investment in SoCozi. This chair offers not only these many benefits, but also great looks and comfort as well.
As we get a few more years on us, any time we can purchase something to improve our movement, back support and such, it becomes more of a need and not just a want. Lower back pain is an issue for 33 percent of Americans age 55 to 64.
With the holidays and football season upon us, now is a great time to let a family member know what would make a wonderful gift for the holidays. Or even if you want to make the purchase for yourself, this would be the perfect time to do so.
Waste no time and stop by Ford’s Furniture to try out the SoCozi reclining chairs.
– by Clarissa Smith
About the Author:
Clarissa Smith received her education from David Lipscomb University and Western Kentucky University in the field of design. A former visual merchandiser for Castner-Knott, she decorated on the side. She has decorated Parade homes in Fountain Trace and Covington Grove plus a wide variety of commercial buildings including Chandler Park, Chandler Assisted Living and Hospice along with several banks and doctors’ offices. She has been employed as a buyer of accessories and the on-staff designer at Ford’s Furniture for 14 years.