The Runway Project, hosted by the Kentucky Veterans Brigade, is a fashion show dedicated to our nation’s flight crews and their flying machines. In this case, the word “runway” has a double meaning, as in the runway that is the stage the contestants will walk on as well as the tarmac the planes take off of. This year’s event will be held May 2 at 4 p.m. at the Bowling Green/Warren County Regional Airport Hangar.
During the event, which pays tribute to the pinup girls once seen on military planes, models from ages 1 to 100 will show off their pizazz while wearing outfits from the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s. Clothing is up to the contestants, but it must be era appropriate.
Contestants can arrive and register (if they haven’t done so via email or facebook) at 2 p.m. that day. Each contestant will be requested to perform a fund drive for Kentucky Veterans Brigade. This will be a competition in itself. The Humanitarian Award trophy will be awarded to the person who raises the most funds for our veterans. Contestants may also be chosen to be in a calendar in their winning attire along side a local veteran.
In addition to the fashion show, the event will also include a food vendor, music, raffles, door prizes and more.
The monies raised from the Runway Project will go to several areas within the Kentucky Veterans Brigade. Funds will go to the Lift For The 22 gym program (www.liftforthe22.org/), a national organization that assist in getting disabled veterans out of the house and back in the gym. KVB is the local representative of this group. We aslo maintain and supply three food pantries, as well as offer assistance on an individual basis. We currently serve or have served most of BRADD plus Ohio County and even Indiana and West Virginia. In addition we offer help to Kentucky veteran residents who are stranded or need to return to Kentucky for family emergency but do not have the funds to do so.
To learn more about all that the KVB does, visit the “Good Deeds” list on our website at kyveteransbrigade.org and check out our Facebook page as well.