Did you know there are 1,950 students in Simpson County who qualify for free and reduced meals? It is estimated that 1,150 of those students qualify for free meals. Many of the students depend on weekly backpacks of food to help them through the weekends when school meals aren’t available.

Hunt Ford and our local Simpson County BackPack program are teaming up to fight hunger in our schools. The mission of the BackPack Program is to meet the needs of hungry children by providing them with nutritious and easy-to-prepare food to take home for weekends and school vacations.
On May 16, we will have tables set up around town with a simple message, “Donate your lunch money to help feed our kids in Simpson County.” Each donor will receive a backpack program sticker to raise awareness and inspire others to help the fight against hunger.
The goal is to raise $25,000; this is the amount it will take to feed those enrolled in the program for the 2019-2020 school year. And this year Hunt Ford will match up to $10,000 in donations! In addition, New Mather Metals has offered to match up to $2,500 in donations!
Twice a year when you drive past the high school entrance you’ll see a giant thermometer tracking the progress of donations made to the BackPack program. This year, Hunt Ford will set up a second board next to it thanking all of our sponsors for joining in the fight to end hunger.
Help reach Simpson County’s goal of $25,000 and see your name on the sponsor board!
The fundraising event is scheduled for May 16, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., at various locations around town. Our goal is to have several donations already committed prior to this event.
Please take a moment to visit our event page and make an online donation today – it’s easy, fast and safe. All donations will stay in Simpson County and serve Simpson County school kids. For more information on this fundraiser or to donate online, visit http://bit.ly/BackPackProgram2019 and click on Hunt Ford Simpson County or search for Hunt Ford Chrysler on Facebook.
You can learn more about the great work that Feeding America does at www.FeedingAmerica.org.
– submitted by the Simpson County Board of Education & Hunt Ford