Extra! Extra! Read all about it!
Calling all ladies!
You don’t want to miss this year’s CLM Ministries Ladies Conference “The Anchor.”
Cathy McGuffey, host and speaker, says, “Hebrew 6:19 – Jesus is the anchor of my soul! If we ever needed the Anchor of God in our lives it is now. So many women I talk to are struggling and fighting battles, in the midst of working full time jobs and raising their children. We all can relate, as sometimes life gets really hard. We all just need a break for a day, right!
“That is why I, along with the Servant’s Heart team, have an exciting day planned with you in mind for this year’s ladies conference. We want to give a special invitation to all the ladies in this community and surrounding counties to come out and be pampered. We will laugh and cry together as the word of God is spoken and comes alive through praise, drama and skits. You will be refreshed and encouraged and leave with new hope. Most of all you will feel the awesome love of Jesus!”
Date: August 10
Time: 10 AM – 3 PM
Door opens at 8:30 for shopping and registration.
Multiple vendors! So come early!!!
The conference is being held at:
Knicely Conference Center,
2355 Nashville Road, Bowling Green KY 42101
Tickets are $25 (Conference, lunch & dessert)
“The Anchor” t-shirts are $15
Tickets & t-shirts are on sale and available on line at www.clmministries.com.
For group tickets visit clmministries.com, click on tickets, and print off the group registration form.