The Humane Society of Edmonson County saves animals. Now we’d like to invite you to help us save even more!
The third annual Hoedown for the Hounds will be on June 15 at 6 p.m. It’s a BBQ dinner and dance topped off with a live auction. It’s free to come and listen to music; dinner is $8 a plate. Andrea Guess will be performing live music and we’ll be serving up Walden’s BBQ. The Hoedown will be at the Brownsville Community Center, located directly across Main Street from the Bank of Edmonson County, in Brownsville. The Hoedown is the Humane Society of Edmonson County’s biggest fundraiser of the year.
While Humane Society of Edmonson County doesn’t have a shelter building of our own yet, we’re running as a foster network, mainly out of one volunteer’s home. That doesn’t stop us from moving forward and making a difference in the lives of the animals (and their people) in the Edmonson County community. From low cost spay/neuter, microchip and rabies clinics, Trap-Neuter-Return for community cats, all the way to providing pet food to area food pantries, HSEC volunteers seem to be everywhere.
“We’re hoping to have a great Hoedown so that we can continue to expand the programs that we have, and maybe even add some more,” said Chairperson Katie Smith.
With the goal of our own building to help even more fur babies, every dollar counts. We want to say thank you to everyone who has donated a bottle of bleach, a bag of pet food, a roll of paper towels, or put a dollar in a donation jar. We couldn’t do what we do with out all of you!
If you’re a business that would like to donate an item for auction please call 270-286-6586.
You can mail donations to:
HSEC, PO Box 274, Brownsville, KY 42210
Or you can make a contribution online at www.humanesec.com.
More information about the Humane Society of Edmonson County can be found on our website, www.humanesec.com, or on our Facebook page, www.facebook.com/humanesec.
All proceeds from the event will go directly to the Humane Society of Edmonson County. All donations are tax deductable.