Have you ever taken the downtown route home and been stopped by the stop sign at the four-way intersection of 7th and College Street? At this intersection, have you seen a small entrance that reads “Crop Shop”? When seeing this entrance have you ever asked yourself, “What could be in there?”
Within the walls of the SoKY Marketplace Crop Shop there sits Bluegrass Vineyard Wines that are ready to drink, sunflowers from Kentucky Cuts that are ready to be picked, and oils from The Seventh Garden and Chili Queen that are ready to be used.
Bluegrass Vineyards, Kentucky Cuts, The Seventh Garden and Chili Queen are all brands that are now available at the Crop Shop. Take some time become familiar with these local findings. Everything featured in the Crop Shop comes from within 100 miles of Bowling Green. The purpose of the Crop Shop is to bring local items to our Bowling Green shoppers. During the warmer months, this is where you can pick up local, fresh produce on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 3 to 6 p.m. Produce, meats, honey, eggs and cheeses are always available. Put a trip to the SoKY Marketplace Crop Shop on your to-do list.
Past the walls of the SoKY Marketplace Crop Shop, there is the SoKY Marketplace Community Commercial Kitchen. The kitchen is available to rent with flexible hours. The kitchen features two large mixers, flash freezer, convection oven, steam kettle and an open range stove top. All of these are available for use. Contact sokymarktetplace@gmail.com today to schedule your kitchen tour. With your rental, we are also able to provide consulting. If you need some guidance to figure out how to execute your cooking logistics, or even price out a menu, we are here to help.
When you come to the stop sign at 7th and College Street, make a loop to park under the SoKY Marketplace Pavilion and come visit us at the Crop Shop, or even pay a visit to learn what other offerings are available at the SoKY Marketplace.