My how time flies when you are helping families! In 1979, a small group of women wanted to do something to address keeping children safe in Bowling Green and surrounding counties. In an effort to do that, a grant was written to form a crisis drop-in nursery called Wee Care. Little did they know, Wee Care Childcare Center would be the safe place for hundreds of children over the years and continues still today! We have grown from a one-room classroom to being able to serve 49 children with early childhood education services, at an affordable rate.
We have come a long way in the past 40 years. Family Enrichment Center’s mission is to empower families and prevent child abuse. We now offer many additional services that include Nurturing Parenting Classes, Parent Support Groups, Adoption Support Services, Recruit Foster/Adoptive Families, Parents as Teachers (Little Learners Program), Supervised Visitation Services, Safe Spots, and Community Education and Outreach surrounding child abuse prevention. Our goal is to promote healthy family functioning, increase public awareness, and provide knowledge and sensitivity surrounding child abuse so that we can help families be the best they can be.
Family Enrichment Center wishes to express our sincere appreciation to our board members and employees, both past and present, for their loyal support as we celebrate our 40th year of service to south central Kentucky. When we were incorporated in 1979, no one could foresee our growth or the impact our services would have on families in our community. We could not have come this far without the loyal support and hard work of many people over the years, as well as the support from our wonderful community. We know that if people understand the problem, they will help us work towards making families great, for our children’s sake!
Join us for Mud Happens on August 24 at Phil Moore Park. Help us by having great, muddy fun! Run, walk, wade and climb your way through our muddy obstacle course to help Family Enrichment Center empower families and prevent child abuse. You can take part as an individual, a team, a sponsor or a volunteer. Go to Mudhappensfec.com or call our office at 270-781-6714 for more information.
For more information about Family Enrichment Center, Inc. visit our website at FamilyEnrichmentCenter.com or call 270-781-6714
Family Enrichment Center is supported by the Cabinet of Health and Family Services, Kappa Delta, Prevent Child Abuse Kentucky, United Way of Southern Kentucky, WHAS Crusade for Children, and local businesses/community contributions.
Special thanks to Henkel our Presenting Sponsor and other sponsors and volunteers!
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