What is consignment anyway?
Consignment is the best way to recycle your GREAT kids’ clothes, toys, equipment, furniture and MUCH more.
Let’s face it… our kids are growing out of their clothes way before they have the chance to wear them out! Duck-Duck-Goose is your perfect solution!
Sell the stuff your kids have outgrown, then BUY your kids stuff for the next season at GREAT PRICES.
What does it mean to be a premier children’s consignment EVENT?
Duck-Duck-Goose happens just twice a year, which means there is always great excitement in the community. Shoppers at our sale know that IF THEY WANT IT—THEY BETTER BUY IT NOW because our sale only lasts for a few days. Most of our families buy everything they need for the next season at this event. This means sellers don’t have to wait as long to cash out on their items like they may have to going through a consignment shop (or even waiting on Facebook Marketplace). The bonus of participating in the largest consignment event in Bowling Green is that it attracts more shoppers. During the sale, we have thousands of shoppers come through to see your items. Therefore, your items are given thousands of opportunities to sell. Duck-Duck-Goose also has the MOST shopping days of any other consignment event in town, which means your items have a greater chance of being seen and sold.
As a consignor, you take advantage of our widespread advertising, customer volume and GREAT location. And best of all, we take care of all the details!
As a shopper, Duck-Duck-Goose has an incredible selection of quality items to choose from. SUPER BONUS: As a consignor, you earn the chance to shop before the public during our Consignors Only Private Sale. Be sure to check out information on becoming a volunteer at the sale. You gain even more shopping advantages!
How do you consign?
Here’s all you do…
1. Clean out your kids’ closets and toy rooms. HINT: Grab your big items first. This does two things: You get the most money for your time and you get chunks of your space back in your house, garage, or attic!
2. Hang, tag and price your items. You determine the price, leaving no room to haggle, and you receive 70% of the selling price.
3. Drop off your stuff…. we take it from there!
Don’t keep storing your stuff for a yard sale. And don’t hassle with taking hundreds of pictures, making listings, haggling over price, and meeting up with strangers (or inviting them to your home). Let us take care of getting your stuff sold.
We hope you’ll join us THIS season!
Want more information on consigning? Visit our website at dkdkgoose.com/bowlinggreen/ or scan the QR code.