How do Corvettes, Hot Rods, and families all relate to each other? An odd combination? Not at all! Vettes, Hot Rods and Families is the annual fundraising event of the Bowling Green Assembly Corvette Club. Corvette enthusiasts – car enthusiasts for that matter – not only love their cars, but they have big hearts for their community and those in need. The BGACC supports three charitable groups, The American Cancer Society, Salvation Army Food Bank, and Uspiritus.
Vettes, Hot Rods, and Families is open to all makes and models of cars and trucks – not just Corvettes. This fantastic car show will be held on Saturday, September 28, at a one-of-a-kind venue: the Bowling Green Assembly Corvette Plant! Gates open at 8 a.m.
In 2018, we raised over $22,500, which was divided between the American Cancer Society, Uspiritus, and food for the Salvation Army food bank.
The event is FREE to the public. Car Show registration is a $20 per vehicle donation with 100% of the entry fee going directly to the charities. Obviously, the show would not be possible without people bringing their cars to display them, but we owe a huge debt of gratitude to our many sponsors, Bill and Mo Harris, and Holley Equipped are our Presenting Sponsors.
Guests can visit one of the many booths set up by Adams Polishes, Campbell Chevrolet, Bailey Gibson Buick/GMC, or Car Art Work. Each of our sponsors offers exceptional gifts and services for that gear head in your life.
Is that all, you say? Absolutely not! Guests will have the chance to purchase tickets to win prizes or bid on incredible items at our silent auction booth, an abundance of specialized gift baskets, and gift certificates. There is even a 50/50 drawing! All proceeds go to our charities.
On top of all that, you never know what might show up at the Corvette Plant and be available to check out, or who! As you know, this year marks the launch of the all-new Mid Engine C8, so hold on to your seats!! Future announcements to come, so keep an eye on our website or Bowling Green Assembly Corvette Club on Facebook.
Now, back to the cars! Judging for the show is grouped as follows: Corvettes are graded separately in three classes: Generations C1, C2, and C3; Generations C4 and C5; and Generation C6 and C7 will have individual classes of their own. Other car entries are classified as “Street” and are also judged in three classes: 1965 and older; 1966-1985; and 1986 and newer. In addition to our unique 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place awards, we offer a Best in Show Corvette, Best in Show Street, Top 25, Plant Manager’s Award, and BGACC Inc. Award. There are even some special celebrity award recognitions for a total of over 65 awards! The awards are designed by MGM Specialties of Bowling Green and include acrylics, plaques, and trophies made with genuine parts from General Motors and Quick Fuel Technology.
You won’t go hungry at Vettes, Hot Rods, and Families either! Hot and fresh right off the grill, we will have hamburgers and chicken sandwiches, compliments of Waffle House, with hot dogs and drinks provided by Kroger. All donations for food benefit our charities.
This is a family event, so come out for a day of fun, lots of fantastic cars and trucks, amazing auction items, raffles, plus good food and it all supports three wonderful charities! This year is expected to be the biggest and best yet! Won’t you join us?
For more information, go to www.bgacorvetteclub.com or Bowling Green Assembly Corvette Club on Facebook.
– submitted by the Bowling Green Assembly Corvette Club, Inc.