It’s Christmas time in the ‘Grove! Esli Pelly has three exciting events in November and on into December!
The first is Tasty Treats Open House November 8, 9, and 10! Guests will sample food from the front door all the way through to the back door! All this will be locally made and Kentucky Proud food products! They will have gift baskets galore, perfect for corporate giving, coworkers, neighbors, friends, and family! There will be door prizes, food, and fun this weekend!
On December 1, the REAL Santa will make a visit! Bring your camera for those free photo ops with the big guy!
Christmas Open House is November 29, 30, and December 1! The whole store will be filled with fragrant fresh greens, wreaths and garlands made in house, poinsettias, cyclamen, blooming plants, gift baskets of Kentucky Proud and locally made food products and gifts, and handmade ornaments! Of course there will be door prizes, refreshments, and good cheer!
The people who walk in the front door will walk out the back door filled with Christmas spirit! If you’re not in a festive mood when you arrive you will be when you leave!
The Garden Patch on Main started on the Pelly Dairy Farm in 1999. After a few years, Esli moved to town in the house she’s in now. With the help of family and friends, she is able to do blooming, living baskets for all seasons. She also carries antiques, locally made food products, Kentucky Proud items, and all things for the garden.
The shop welcomes any group wanting a program on wreath making or anything flower or garden related. This holiday season, spend some time in the ‘Grove!