My, how time flies when you are helping families! In 1979, a small group of women wanted to do something to address keeping children safe in Bowling Green and surrounding counties. In an effort to do that, a grant was written to form a crisis drop-in nursery called Wee Care. Little did they know, Wee Care Childcare Center would be the safe place for hundreds of children over the years and continues still today! We have grown from a one-room classroom to being able to serve 49 children with early childhood education services, at an affordable rate.
We’ve come a long way in over 40 years! Family Enrichment Center’s mission is to empower families to prevent child abuse. We now offer other services that include: parenting classes, support groups, adoption support services, in-home parent education, supervised visitation services, Safe Spots, and community outreach. We work every day to promote healthy family functioning to increase public awareness, knowledge and sensitivity so that we can help families be the best they can be. We know that if people understand the problem, they will help us work towards making families great, for our children’s sake!
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month and every year Family Enrichment Center organizes the Run and Walk for Children to kick off the month! This is our 24th year for this great event and it is scheduled for March 28 at Ephram White Park. This fundraiser has been the backbone event for the agency, raising more than $50,000 each year with 100% of the net proceeds going to support our programs, especially Wee Care Childcare Center. This event includes a Half Marathon, 5K Run, 5K Fun Walk, and Kids One Mile Run. There really is something for everyone and we encourage you to form a team. Teams of four or more people will receive a $2.00 discount on their race entry!
April is a month designated for everyone to really stop and think about children and what we can do to help them grow up free from abuse and harm. This year you can help us by participating in events that honor children and those who work every day to support them and their families. On April 3 at 4:00pm the Warren County Proclamation will be held at City Hall. April 3rd is also National Wear Blue Day in honor of child abuse prevention, #WearBlue4KYKids. Wear Blue and submit pictures to Family Enrichment Center to show your support for child abuse prevention. To learn more about Family Enrichment Center’s Run/Walk for Children go to runwalkky.com.
For more information about other activities in April call 270-781-6714
For information about Family Enrichment Center, Inc. visit our website at www.FamilyEnrichmentCenter.com or call 270-781-6714
Family Enrichment Center is supported by the Cabinet of Health and Family Services, Kappa Delta, Prevent Child Abuse Kentucky, United Way of Southern Kentucky, WHAS Crusade for Children, and local businesses/community contributions.
Special thanks to our German American Bank/Presenting Sponsor, Kroger/Start Line Sponsor,
Bluegrass Cellular/Finish Line Sponsor
-submitted by Family Enrichment Center