“Find your lane!” As a high school teacher, I find myself repeating these words to my students. Encouraging them to find at the high school level, what makes them happy, where they excel, what builds them up, and where they find comfort and joy!
And as a parent I find myself uttering those same words to my own three precious daughters! And at this point in their life, DANCE is their lane! They are at different levels, as their age dictates, but their love for dance is the same! We are farm girls at heart! All my girls work on our family’s dairy farm in Smiths Grove, KY, as I did from a young age. And while the farm life instills hard work, dedication, discipline and motivation, I find that dance only adds to these core life principles!
Rachel Elizabeth has been in dance since age four and has grown tremendously in skill and confidence through the rigorous Dance Arts curriculum. Emma Grace, my middle child, is full of joy and enthusiasm, and lyrical dance has given her a beautiful way to express her emotions through choreography. And my sweet baby girl, Adya Lea, has learned how to best express her southern little sister sass constructively though jazz class! At this point, DANCE is their lane! This is where they are uplifted, motivated, and encouraged. It is where they push themselves to stretch and reach for that goal, where they conform to the group efforts, and where they express their creativity!
I credit life on the farm for much of their work ethic and motivated attitude but know that it is Dance Arts that has polished these skills for lifelong fulfillment and growth!
I encourage you to try dance! Step out of your comfort zone and give DANCE ARTS a chance!
-by Katy Doyle
About the Author: Katy Doyle is the proud Dance Arts mom of Rachel, Emma and Ayda.