April is always a great heading to see when you change your calendar over to a new month. April means spring, and spring brings more fresh produce to the Crop Shop.
This month we are offering an innovative way to retrieve your favorites. If you call or text 270-202-0256 or email sokymarketplace@gmail.com, we can take your personalized pick-up or delivery order. It is SO easy!
On Tuesdays you can find our offerings posted on Facebook. Items are fresh and frozen produce, eggs, cheese, and all cuts and varieties of meats. Needing something else? We also have soaps, oils and all the jams and spreads you are looking for! The best part, these are all items from your local farmers. Pick up the phone, let us know what you would like to order, and then we will schedule your pick-up or delivery time. Retrieving your orders can be done Thursday-Saturday. For pick-up, you just come to the SoKY Marketplace, park under the pavilion, and our wonderful staff will bring your items out from the Crop Shop.
Call the SoKY Marketplace Crop Shop today and let us help you get fresh offerings for you and your family.
-submitted by SoKY Marketplace