May 13, 2020
Dear 2020 High School Senior,
First and foremost, congratulations on this wonderful achievement of High School Graduation. This goal has been in the works for a very long time. Ever since you stepped on that big yellow school bus with your bright orange safety vest on as a kindergartner, this milestone was ahead of you. I want to encourage you to not take thishonor lightly. The significance of you graduating and earning your diploma is powerful and critically important. Graduating is a major factor in the grand plan for your life. It is so powerful that not even a worldwide pandemic could stop this from happening. Yes, the virus has stopped a lot of things from happening, but it could not stop the fact that you are now a High School Graduate.
One of my favorite coaches of all time is Coach Jim Valvano. He was the coach of North Carolina State College Basketball from 1980 to 1990. He is most known for his inspirational battle with cancer. I absolutely love his thoughts from his 1993 ESPY Awards acceptance speech. He said, “Cancer can take away my physical abilities. It cannot touch my mind, it cannot touch my heart, it cannot touch my soul, and those things are going to carry on forever.” The same is true about your life’s plan and this virus. It cannot touch your mind, your heart and your soul. It cannot take away your achievement, your hard work, your perseverance, your graduation, and God’s plan for your life. Our God tells us in the Bible in Jeremiah chapter 29, verse 11 that “He knows the plans He has for you, plans to prosper you, and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” God’s plan for your future is bright and prosperous! Your graduation is part of that plan. If you put your hope in God’s plan and if you follow His lead, He will take you to places you would have never imagined!
In the midst of this period of time we are in, don’t miss the opportunities that you have in front of you. The great Physicist, Albert Einstein once said, “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” This is true about this time in your life. Are you taking advantage of the opportunities that you have? One of the biggest opportunities you have is access to additional amounts of time. You have more “free” time now than maybe you have ever had. This is an opportunity for you to do something to improve yourself. You can pick up a book and read it, yes read it! Maybe look to learn a new skill. You could learn to cook, play an instrument, or take on a new exercise program.
This season of time also brings you the opportunity to give to others. The most susceptible to this virus among us are the elderly. What an amazing time to have the opportunity to connect with those of an older generation. Whether it is your grandparents, neighbors, or strangers, you have an awesome opportunity to connect and give back. You could offer to do grocery shopping. You could offer to take care of a neighbor’s yard. You could pick up a take-out meal for a family. What are you doing to give to those most vulnerable? Giving can provide us with amazing strength in our lives to do what God has called us to do. In the book of Acts 20:35, the Bible says, “we must help the weak,” and it also reminds us what Jesus says about this, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Luke 6:38 also says that God honors us when we give.
Also, you have the opportunity to invest. What are you investing in? Our most rewarding investment is when we spend time investing in God. Read His word. Actually spend time each day reading your Bible. Search for online Bible studies. We schedule everything in life: the dentist, your class schedule, work, and even Zoom appointments. Schedule a time to read and to pray each day. Focus your days and what you do around God. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, “So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all things to the Glory of God.” Invest in Him.
When you look back on this time, the biggest factor is not going to be how this pandemic affected you. What is going to matter most is your attitude and how you reacted to this pandemic. When it comes to our attitudes, Pastor and author Charles Swindoll said this, “Attitude to me is more important than any facts, and I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.” So it is with you… your attitude will dictate your future. You will have chances in your future to share how you overcame the obstacles that you are navigating right now. Some of my most rewarding moments in life have been where I have had the opportunity to mentor and help students by sharing my testimony of how God brought me through a tough time, when He brought me out of a pit, when He saved me from the darkness. Romans 8:28 says, “In all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” So, God is calling you to do great things even in the midst of tough times. He is calling you! God bless you, we are praying for you, we are proud of you, and we love you!!
Matt Willgruber
Pastor of Families and Students
Crossland Community Church
Bowling Green Campus