For the past five years, we have participated in the Row by Row Experience and have had a wonderful time with it. For 2020, this program has now become “Quilter’s Trek.” Quilters visit participating shops and collect quilt block patterns designed around a theme. Each shop will have a different interpretation of the theme, which makes collecting so much fun!
Quilter’s Trek features a color for quilt row/block designs rather than a “theme” that Row by Row used. The color theme for 2020 is blue. The program is using color as a guide for design so that the rows will fit together better in a finished quilt. The block does not have to be completely blue – blue just has to be the dominant color.
Quilter’s Trek will begin on June 21 and end on September 8, 2020. During this time, shops will offer a FREE pattern of their design to any customer who requests a copy. This must be done in person (not via phone, e-mail, etc.).
In our current travel environment, one change has been made to accommodate those of us who won’t be traveling: Kits for the rows (includes the pattern) can be ordered online, by phone, e-mail, etc. and shipped to the customer. Normally, kits cannot be shipped until the end of the program but with travel uncertain for the summer, this now allows more quilters to easily purchase kits and “trek” virtually among shops.
Another new feature for Quilter’s Trek is the collector tokens in each kit. Each shop will have several tokens designed specifically for their state/area. One token will be placed in each kit sold. The first 77 kits sold from each shop will have one of the tokens. Also, each shop will have three Golden Tokens that will be randomly placed in kits.
Remember that the rules for collecting blocks is simple: Visit any of the participating shops and ask for the free Quilter’s Trek pattern. The free pattern will be for an individual block or row that shop has designed. There are no cards to punch, no fees; just a good excuse to plan your summer travel around quilt shops either in-person or online! You can find a list of participating shops at quilterstrek.com
Guidelines for Quilter’s Trek 2020
- Visit any participating quilt shop June 21-September 8, 2020 and ask for their free pattern for Quilter’s Trek. The shops will happily give you one pattern at no cost, limit one per person, walk-in customers only. You must physically visit the shop for the pattern during the summer; patterns cannot be snail-mailed nor e-mailed.
- Visit any participating quilt shop’s website or call/e-mail to purchase a row kit with pattern. You do not have to physically visit the shop to purchase kit.
- Prizes: You can win a prize for completing your quilt with collected blocks. Using 32 different blocks (8 rows) from 8 different 2020 participating shops, complete a quilt. If you are the first OR second to submit your finished quilt to a participating shop, you will win a stash of 15 fat quarters. A bonus prize is awarded if the awarding shop’s design is included in the quilt. A completed quilt must be quilted, bound, and labeled. The quilt must be submitted from July 15-October 15, 2020 to be eligible for a prize.
- A quilter can only win one prize. A winning quilt will be photographed for the Facebook Quilter’s Trek site. If you collect enough blocks for several quilts, make and enjoy showing them off or sharing!
You can search the list of participating stores at www.quilterstrek.com. Each shop will have a listing on the site with store information. There will also be a Quilter’s Trek Facebook page which displays the rows/blocks available at the participating shops.
Now you have a GREAT excuse to plan a trip around quilt shops: collecting FREE Quilter’s Trek blocks! You can collect from one state OR from all 50 (remember, you must physically visit the shop to collect the free pattern BUT you can purchase kits with pattern online!) Have a great summer of collecting and be sure to start with your block/row from The Kentucky Quilt Company.
-submitted by The Sewing & Vacuum Center/The Kentucky Quilt Company