“Staycation” became a buzzword a few years ago for not taking a traveling vacation and just trying to relax at home. In recent years it has, at least to me, become a term for staying in the area where you live to vacation instead of traveling a long distance. Now, with the issues brought on by COVID, for many a “Staycation” is the best and/or only choice for a break.

A few weeks ago the Med Center Health Foundation held their annual fundraiser which always includes an auction. One of the items up for sale was a night at eight16… a downtown Bowling Green location that was once the offices of Atalla Plastic Surgery | skin + laser. Once Peggy and Victor moved their practice to new offices, they decided to turn the house at 816 Chestnut into the amazing rental it is now. Because we wanted to support a great cause and because we are huge fans of the Atallas, Twila and I bid on the night at eight16 and were thrilled to be the winners!
While certainly not world travelers, Twila and I do try to take three or four short trips a year and being stuck at home because of the ongoing COVID issues has been disappointing to say the least. So having an opportunity and excuse to experience a new location was exciting. Being photographers and content creators, we contacted some friends and scheduled a small get-together and photo shoot in what we had heard was an amazing space.
Twila contacted Peggy Atalla about our plans and schedule and to say she was helpful and gracious in our plan to enjoy her house would be a major understatement. On arrival parking was easy, plentiful and next to the entrance, and the high-tech digital door locks made entry with the provided code convenient.
Upon entering we were struck by how amazingly clean everything was and by the pleasant smell of recent cleaning activity. But the most exciting and interesting part of the visit was the creative and interesting décor of the house.
The first thing we did was just tour the entire house and it was fun to see the way the design team had allowed various construction materials from the house to show through… whether it was old brick and plaster on walls or worn hardwood on floors and steps. The website calls the renovation a “modern industrial style” and in many areas that is apparent. But I’m no decorator, so I would just say it is enjoyable, comfortable and very cool. There are several bedrooms, a very well-stocked and usable kitchen and you are never more than a few steps from a bathroom.
In addition to the renovation of the building, I can’t end this without commenting on the wonderful furniture and accessories. From the buffalo head on the living room wall… with a Santa hat at the time we were there… to the comfortable leather couch in the hall and interesting seating areas around the house, it is all about style and comfort. While classy and beautiful, there wasn’t one spot in the house where I was not comfortable.

And, if you are a photographer, I challenge you to run out of interesting and great settings in which to shoot before you run out of time and energy. There were two of us shooting and we left saying we would definitely be back in the future for another chance to capture images in this amazing location.
And a special thank you to models Savannah Shrum and Twila Hurst for adding even more beauty to this intriguing photo shoot location.
Here’s my disclaimer… this article is all about our experiences and observations from beginning to end. I didn’t interview anyone so if there are mistakes or misstatements they are all mine. Having said that, if you are searching for a great location to have a party, put up friends and/or family for a night or two, or just do that “Staycation” thing I began the article with… you will be hard pressed to find a better place than Peggy and Victor Atalla’s eight16 Chestnut Street experience.
For more info or to book a stay visit the website at https://eight16house.com/
-by Tim Hurst