Christmas is right around the corner and there is no shortage of church activities taking place on Christmas Eve, but one local church started a fun tradition on a not-so-traditional day and it is sure to be a hit with your family.
“We began hosting a Christmas Eve Eve service as a way to celebrate Jesus together,” Real Life Church Pastor Brandon Cannon says. “We started doing the service on Christmas Eve Eve, or December 23, because most of the families attending had small children and they had Christmas traditions or they needed to travel to family on Christmas Eve. We wanted to honor these families, but still gather together, and it has stuck ever since then.”
The service will take place at 6pm on December 23, 2020 at Real Life Church and will last an hour. The service is a joyful, reflective, worshipful time for the entire family full of Christmas worship music. And don’t worry about needing to dress up a certain way. At the Christmas Eve Eve service, as well as every service at RLC, you’ll find people dressed however they feel most comfortable.
“Christmas Eve Eve service is an opportunity to celebrate the greatest gift we’ve even been given, as it was stated in John 3:16 that God loved the world so much that he gave us his only Son, Jesus, and that whoever believes in him will have eternal life,” Cannon says. “The service will include worship music, a message of hope, communion and a time of unity through the lighting of candles.”
For those wanting to attend with their children, families are welcome to enjoy the service together, but childcare is provided for ages three and under. For children four years and older, RLC will provide activity packets full of fun Christmas activities to keep them happily entertained and engaged, as well as glow sticks, instead of candles, to protect little fingers.
During the service, Real Life Church will continue to abide by social distancing guidelines and will encourage those that plan to attend to be responsible for themselves and their families in terms of wearing masks and keeping a seat between individuals from outside of their household. But this Christmas, possibly more than ever before, it is so important to gather together and celebrate the birth of Christ, so Real Life Church can’t wait for you to join them this Christmas season.
“Christmas doesn’t add problems for many people, it reveals or intensifies them,” Cannon says. “At RLC, our goal in the holiday season is to speak hope, peace and joy that can only be found in Jesus. Because of Jesus, there’s always hope.”
Make plans now to join Real Life Church on Christmas Eve Eve and begin a new family tradition that is all about celebrating the true meaning of Christmas.
“We truly want to give a chance to pause from all the schedules, shopping and parties,” Cannon says. “We want an opportunity to remember that no matter what this holiday season brings, we’ve already been so blessed by receiving the greatest gift of all… Jesus.”
-submitted by Real Life Church
Real Life Church is located at 2714 Scottsville Road, next to Southern Lanes, in Bowling Green. If you have any questions, or would like more information about RLC, check out their website experiencerlc.com, Facebook page or call the church at 270-681-5298.