Art & Culture

November’s man of music

Alexander Porforyevich was born on Nov.12, 1833 as an illegal son of a 62-year-old Georgian nobleman named Luka Stepanovich Gedevanishvili, and a married, intelligent and pretty 25-year-old Russian woman, Evdokia Konstantinovina Antonova. Fortunately, the Russian […]

SOKY Events

The holiday season is approaching fast and there are lots of ways to stay safe and still have fun in Franklin, Ky.!

What puts you in the holiday spirit more than shopping? Franklin has extended its annual Christmas Open House to a three-day event to give shoppers the opportunity to shop in a less crowded environment this […]


Please Vote!

There has never been a more important time to exercise your right to choose than in today’s challenging world. Please vote… both locally and nationally. Below are ads and links to a few local candidates […]