You do not have to live with painful varicose or unsightly spider veins. Relief is available and Sky Vein & Aesthetics will have you sporting your summer styles in no time. We offer a free evaluation to see if, in fact, your troubles are varicose veins, spider veins or something else entirely. What are the differences? We often have people call us and say they are not sure which they have. That is perfectly normal, and we are the place to help.
Let’s start with varicose veins. Our legs have valves that keep blood flowing in the right direction. For various reasons, sometimes these valves do not work properly and allow blood to flow in the wrong direction. This keeps the veins from emptying as they are designed to do. When this happens, the veins get fuller and longer and form a bulging, sometimes rope-like appearance. Sometimes there is also discoloration and painful swelling and/or redness. Relief can be found by elevating your legs. They usually feel much better in the morning as opposed to later in the day. Compression stockings can also provide temporary relief. Occupations that require a lot of standing, such as teachers, hair stylists, factory and retail workers, nurses, etc., often have varicose veins. Varicose veins occur in both men and women.
How are varicose veins treated? Schedule a free consultation with Dr. Danny Harrison, a general surgeon with decades of experience treating varicose veins. Dr. Harrison will examine your legs and help determine the best treatment for you. Most insurance companies require a period of conservative therapy that may include wearing compression hosiery. The process can seem daunting, but we are here to see you through. Once this period has ended, and it varies by insurance companies, you can have an ultrasound to determine the cause of your varicose veins and the best course of treatment. Dr. Harrison uses the latest technologies to treat your veins including Radio Frequency Ablation and VenaSeal Ablation. He will discuss the options with you. The treatment is performed in our office with only local anesthesia and you can return to most normal activities in 24-48 hours.
Spider veins generally are cosmetic and do not actually cause pain, swelling or discomfort. They often have a purple or red sunburst appearance. These can be successfully treated, but the treatment is considered cosmetic and is not covered by insurance. At Sky Vein & Aesthetics, we use an FDA-approved medication injected into the spider veins to make them fade. After treatments, most patients are happy with the appearance of their legs. The treatment is comfortable. Most patients need between two to three treatments, spaced eight weeks apart, and some patients may need more. For a period after treatment, compression stockings are recommended to get the best results.
So, if you are not sure what you have, come see us! You do not need a referral and there is no charge for the initial consultation. Take care of your legs in the cold winter so you can enjoy the warm summer!
-submitted by Sky Vein & Aesthetics