Family Enrichment Center is a non-profit agency that was started in 1979 with the mission to empower families to prevent child abuse. Our office is located at 1133 Adams Street in Bowling Green and offers a range of family-support services including: an affordable childcare and early learning facility that offers crisis drop-in childcare called Wee Care Childcare Center, parent-education classes, parent support groups, adoption support services, in-home parent education, supervised visitation services, Safe Spot and community outreach. FEC also offers an in-home service to victims of domestic violence through a partnership with Barren River Area Safe Space (BRASS). We work every day to promote healthy family functioning by increasing public awareness, knowledge and sensitivity so that we, as a community, can help families be the best they can be.
Family Enrichment Center is celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the annual Run and Walk for Children! The Run & Walk for Children serves as a kick-off to April as Child Abuse Prevention Month and is scheduled for Saturday, March 27th at Ephram White Park. This fundraiser has been the backbone event for the agency, raising more than $50,000 each year with 100% of the net proceeds going to support our programs, especially Wee Care Childcare Center.
This year we are dedicated to making sure everyone has a safe race-day experience and have enacted new policies that will help us achieve that. This event includes a Half Marathon, 5K Run and 5K Fun Walk. Capacity is limited and we will not be accepting registrations on race-day, so make sure you register now to secure your spot on the starting line! We are also offering a virtual option for the 5K Run and 5K Fun Walk where participants can submit their photos and finish times during the month of March. For more details on registration and a more in-depth look at our health and safety guidelines, visit www.RunWalkKY.com.
One particular way we celebrate Child Abuse Prevention Month at the Run & Walk for Children is through our Blue Ribbon Sponsors. The Blue Ribbon is a symbol for child abuse awareness and each year we ask that community members and businesses join us in the fight against child abuse by donating $100 to become a Blue Ribbon Sponsor. Child Abuse Prevention Month is a time for everyone to stop and think about how we, as a community, can help ensure children grow up free from abuse and harm. This year you can help us by participating in events that honor children and those who work every day to support them and their families. The Warren County Proclamation is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, April 1st at 3:30pm at City Hall. April 1st is also Wear Blue for Kentucky Kids Day in honor of child abuse prevention. We would love to see community members share photos of their families and/or workplaces celebrating by tagging #WearBlue4KYKids and Family Enrichment Center. To learn more about April Child Abuse Prevention Month festivities or how you can support FEC’s mission, visit www.FamilyEnrichmentCenter.com or call 270-781-6714.
Family Enrichment Center is supported by the Cabinet of Health and Family Services, Kappa Delta, Prevent Child Abuse Kentucky, United Way of Southern Kentucky, WHAS Crusade for Children, and local businesses/community contributions.
-submitted by Family Enrichment Center