The 4th Annual South Central Bank and Foundation Solutions Group Presents Points for Puppets Tennis Tournament will be held on June 12th and 13th. The tournament is a partnership between Kids on the Block and South Warren High School Tennis. The event is the first stop on the Central Kentucky Tour Series and will be held at South Warren High School and Greenwood High School. To register visit www.cktstour.com. The proceeds from the event support Kids on the Block educational puppet programming. For more information about Kids on the Block visit www.kykob.org.
The 22nd Annual Garden Tour sponsored by Wild Eggs will be held on June 26th. The tour features six gardens and a tea site. The event is Kids on the Block’s longest-running fundraiser and supports educational puppet programming.
2021 Gardens:
Gerry and Jeftie Sawyer: 708 Nutwood Street
Steve and Laura Bowra: 273 Stone Bluff Lane
Kevin and Marsha Kingrey: 203 Garvin Lane
Judy and Richard Lacefield: 1915 Karen Avenue
Donna Meredith: 2221 Windrow Circle
Freeman Farmette: 1418 Jenny Court
The tea site will be at Traveler’s Cellar Winery located at 3220 Fuqua Road.
Ticket price includes lunch and can be purchased at www.kykob.org, Wild Eggs, Warden and Company, Riley’s Bakery, Antique Mall at Flealand, and at the Kids on the Block office located at 958 Collett Avenue.
-submitted by Kids on the Block