During the past year many of us have spent more time in our homes than ever before. If you have a home you love but it maybe needs a bit of updating, or you are just ready for a change, the Design Studio team at Ford’s Furniture can help you.
One of the toughest challenges in updating your home’s look and personality is blending the old and the new. Many of us have wonderful pieces of furniture and accessories that we love… maybe items that have been in the family for many years… even handed down from generation to generation. Don’t be temped to let the new force the old into the attic or garage. Also, don’t place the loved piece in an out-of-the-way corner, hiding it from its rightful place in the sun. Instead, let us help you find ways to blend the old, loved pieces with exciting new pieces to help tell family stories, add character and better reflect your style and personality in one beautiful, blended way.
Also, a popular, environmentally friendly view says that older pieces of furniture… antiques, if you will… have a sustainability component. These historic pieces were produced many years ago and are still serving your family today, meaning they have a much smaller carbon footprint than a recently produced piece of furniture. We consider this sort of carbon averaging. You can feel good about helping protect the environment by blending your older, already-produced pieces with newer pieces.
So, how do we blend a new look… new pieces and accessories with our cherished historical pieces, to provide that great new look? Let us show you how to mix the two styles, often blending some great accessories – allowing us to layer multiple furniture styles together. This adds to that unique feel for your home, almost allowing you to forget where the old ends and the new begins. It can lead to a beautifully blended look that defies the “cookie-cutter” style that comes from a room full of perfectly matched pieces.
Drop in today and visit with us in The Design Studio at Ford’s Furniture. We have numerous sources in a variety of types and styles of furniture along with amazing accessories that will allow us to use our training and experience to help you create an perfect blend in your home for comfort, style and beauty.
-submitted by Clarissa Smith
About the Author: Clarissa Smith received her education from David Lipscomb University and Western Kentucky University in the field of design. A former visual merchandiser for Castner-Knott, she decorated on the side. She has decorated Parade homes in Fountain Trace and Covington Grove plus a wide variety of commercial buildings including Chandler Park, Chandler Assisted Living and Hospice along with several banks and doctors’ offices. She has been employed as a buyer of accessories and the on-staff designer at Ford’s Furniture for over 16 years.