Many years ago there was a comedian who had a talk show and one of his “things” in his opening monologue was… “Things that make you go… Hmmmmm!” I was not that big a fan of his show, but for some reason that saying stuck with me, and to this day something will happen and I’ll quote that saying. This morning, as I was walking my first two miles of the day, I began to think and some thoughts came to mind that made me go… “Hmmmmm!”
Cars… well, vehicles of all types, make me go “Hmmmmm!” It isn’t that there are millions of cars on the road at one time that causes me to make that noise… and, of course, those millions of cars are always on Scottsville Road with me… it is the fact they are almost always running. It amazes me, when I think about all the parts that have to be working, that most of those cars are not on the side of the road with their hoods up. I know, you are probably like me, you get in, turn the key, it starts, you drive it and don’t think about it. And when it won’t go, you call for help. But when you think about all the things that have to work for the car to go… hundreds of systems… mechanical, chemical, electronic… and they all have to work at the same time, and most of the time they do – to me that’s amazing!
Then, think about your brain. God really outdid Himself creating a brain that can take in all the input, make hundreds of decisions a second and keep a vehicle safely on the road. OK… I’ll admit that many of you are not exactly “safely” on the road but you are also not, for the most part, bumping into each other. Think about it. I just read that at 60mph if you sneeze, you drive over 50 feet with your eyes closed. Heck, some of you drive like you always have your eyes closed… and yet we drive down Scottsville Road, hundreds of us in 2,000+ pound hunks of metal, and we don’t kill each other. That also makes me go… “Hmmmmm!”
My iPhone makes me go, “Hmmmmm!” Well, when it works properly it makes me do that. When it decides to take a nap it makes me want to throw it as far as I can… maybe into Scottsville Road traffic. But I have heard there is more computing power in my iPhone than in the entire project for the first moon landing. I don’t doubt it. When I look at all the apps on my phone… many of which I have no idea how to operate… it amazes me. This morning, during my walk, the nice phone lady explained to me that I had done the first mile in 17 minutes 31 seconds. She also entertained me with a photography blog, sent a text to wake Twila and told me I had an email from my Big Brother. She also often knows that at a certain time of day, on certain days of the week, I go to a local eatery for dinner and when I get in the car she tells me how long it will take to get there… without asking. She knows me too well and it is starting to freak me out a bit. I wonder if that’s why they gave “big brother” a sweet female voice?
So, whether you are driving in heavy Scottsville Road traffic, sneezing on I-65 or asking the iPhone lady how to get around our traffic-filled streets… enjoy the way things work and sometimes… take a minute to go… “Hmmmmm!”