As winter begins and the cold sets in around us, many of us are cheerful and warm knowing that Christmas is almost here. Christmas is the celebration of God’s greatest gift to mankind: the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ. First Baptist Church Bowling Green, KY, wants to celebrate Christmas with our entire South Central Kentucky family! You’re invited to First Baptist at 621 E. 12th Avenue downtown for several free and engaging opportunities to commemorate the birth of Jesus.
“God So Loved the World” – Sanctuary Choir & Orchestra Event
The celebration begins with the presentation of “God So Loved the World,” presented by the Sanctuary Choir of First Baptist. A choir made up of over sixty voices, accompanied by a twenty-piece orchestra, will share the Christmas story in song. We’ll experience the whole story – from Scripture’s prophecies of the coming of the Messiah to the narrative of His birth, life, death and resurrection. The music represents work from a wide variety of composers including Pepper Choplin, Dan Goeller, Dan Forrest, Heather Sorenson and Elaine Hagenberg. We’ll hear favorite songs and hymns such as “Joy to the World,” “Unto Us a Child Will Be Born,” “O Little Town of Bethlehem,” “God So Loved the World,” “O Come, All You Unfaithful” and more.
“God So Loved the World” will be Sunday, December 12, at 6pm in the sanctuary of First Baptist. Our church family would be greatly honored if you would join us for the celebration. All are welcome to this free event. You can also livestream the performance or watch it afterward at firstbaptistbg.org/livestream!
-submitted by First Baptist Church
Christmas in the Parking Lot – Drive-Thru Nativity Story
Experience the Christmas story anew through the eyes of a child. Christmas in the Parking Lot is a free drive-thru nativity event the whole family will enjoy. For the second year in a row, we’re bringing nativity scenes in our parking lot to life with actors and Christmas lights. As you drive through the route, you’ll listen to a podcast narrate the drama unfolding with each new scene, all from the warmth and comfort of your vehicle.
This year, the story follows a girl named Sam as her mom shares with her about the birth of Jesus. As she listens, Sam learns more about God’s plan and realizes there’s more to Christmas than Christmas movies!
Christmas in the Parking Lot is Sunday, December 19, from 6pm-8pm. In the case of inclement weather, we will postpone the event until Monday, December 20, from 6pm-8pm. RSVP on the Facebook event for Christmas in the Parking Lot to watch for updates! The event is completely free – and kids will even get a goodie bag!
Christmas Eve Candlelight & Communion Service
Our Christmas Eve service is one of our most memorable Christmas traditions. In the final hours before Christmas Day, we gather in the First Baptist sanctuary once more to sing hymns heralding the birth of our Savior. The service culminates in candlelight as we dim the fluorescents and each person holds a candle lit by his or her neighbor. Illuminated only by the flickering light, together we all sing “Silent Night.”
As brothers and sisters in Christ, we will share in the Lord’s Supper at this service. The elements are pre-packaged for individual distribution. If you can’t attend, we have elements available for you in the church office (270-842-0331).
The Christmas Eve service is Friday, December 24, from 5pm-5:45pm. You can livestream the evening’s service or watch it afterward at firstbaptistbg.org/livestream!
Christmas Eve Broadcast Special
For the second year, we’ll have a Christmas Eve broadcast on WBKO-FOX. Separate from the orchestra and candlelight services above, this special will include solos and ensemble performances from many First Baptist musicians. Enjoy the melodies of Christmas and the message of Christ as your family gathers together this Christmas Eve.
During the special, Pastor Jeff will share about the Lord’s Supper and invite viewers to share the elements together as brothers and sisters in Christ. If you need pre-packaged Lord’s Supper elements, we have them available in the church office (270-842-0331).
The broadcast special will be Friday, December 24, from 6pm-7pm on WBKO-FOX. You can also livestream the special or watch it afterward at firstbaptistbg.org/livestream!
Christmas is almost here, and we’re excited to celebrate with you. Jesus was born so that we might live. It’s because of his love that we have joy this season. We hope to see you at these events on the corner of 12th and Chestnut. Much love from your First Baptist family!