Every now and then you can see a beautiful season coming. The weather is just right going in and you can’t wait for the change. That was it for me this year with Fall. Thanks to a pain in the butt doctor friend and a loving wife who, for some silly reason wants to keep me around a few more years, I walk three to five miles a day. I’m sure my neighbors are sick of seeing me as I pretty much walk the same measured track twice a day. The other morning was one of those glorious days when the colors of Fall just popped and I couldn’t resist extending the time of my walk by stopping along the way to shoot a picture or two.
I know there are probably a few of my 10 or 12 loyal readers who are not “believers” and while I respect your right to be wrong, I can’t help but point out that I truly believe beauty does not happen by accident. Whether it is a model in a magazine ad assisted by makeup artists and fashion designers, an amazing car design like Bowling Green’s own Corvette or the gorgeous colors of Fall… there is a driving force behind beauty, and the leaves this year are truly a perfect example of a creative and loving God providing us that beauty.
Having been a photographer for over 50 years, I always think of Paul Simon’s song, Kodachrome, when I am enjoying the gorgeous colors of nature… “Kodachrome… They give us those nice bright colors… They give us the greens of summers… Makes you think all the world’s a sunny day, oh yeah… I got a Nikon camera, I love to take a photograph, So mama, don’t take my Kodachrome away!” Lucky for you… you can’t hear me singing it. For you youngsters… Kodachrome was one of the best and most expensive films in history and it did produce amazing color reproduction. I still have a few Kodachrome slides around someplace from some long ago photo shoot.
In any case, I hope you enjoy these few images from my walk the other day and take a moment to appreciate God’s amazing blessing of beautiful Fall colors from His perfect Colour Palette. Oh, and by the way, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from me, Twila and the entire SOKY Happenings Team!
-By Tim Hurst