Wow, is it really Christmas?! This year seems to have flown by! Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year. In our house, we are beginning to pull out the Christmas tree, hang the wreath on the door, put all the Christmas lights out and get into the holiday spirit. This time of the year, I tend to reminisce about Christmas when I was a child. I see that Christmas tree that we all went out and picked; sometimes one side was bare, so that side went to the wall. We would put those gigantic multi-colored lights on it and ornaments and silver icicles. Those were the days! Now it would be considered too flashy, maybe even ugly, but back then it was beautiful, and the more icicles the better. When I was a child, getting gifts was not what Christmas was about. That was only a small portion of our holiday. The best part was everyone getting together eating food and laughing and sharing stories of the year that had passed. Thanking the Lord for all the many blessings we had received. Then we would open presents. Presents back then were different; they were things we actually needed – sometimes a new pair of shoes because our old ones were worn out or maybe it was a coat because the one from the year before was too small. Whatever it was, we were appreciative and glad to get it.
In our home, while our children get more than we did, we still try to create the same feeling of thankfulness and gratitude for a year full of blessings. We get together, eat good food, tell stories of Christmases gone by, play games and laugh and enjoy each other’s company. Then we open the presents. We create a new memory, one that will be talked about in years to come. For just a little while, time stands still. I look around the room, everyone is gone, the food is all eaten, the presents have been opened, there is Christmas wrapping paper covering the floor, and I sit back and smile. I am tired now, and I slide into bed; I stop and say a prayer thanking the good Lord for another beautiful Christmas.
So, from our house to yours, to our patients, our friends, our family, we thank you for allowing us to serve you this year, and may you have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
Dr. Kelley Cherry DMD and staff
-submitted by Cherry Family Dentistry