The holiday season has closed, a new year is officially here, and many folks are looking forward to wiping the slate clean to make goals and plans for the next 12 months. If you are considering a career change or advancement in 2022, be sure to make this a clear intention for your new year outlook. If you are wondering whether you should leave your current job, then you probably already know the answer. If you are asking yourself whether you deserve more than what you currently have, I am here to tell you that you do deserve more. If you desire a fulfilling career and more money, consider this your sign to GO GET IT!
It is now being reported that The Great Resignation will continue well into this year. The pandemic has caused many workers to reflect on what their priorities are and what they value for a high-quality life. Workers are no longer willing to tolerate toxic work environments, work overload and minimal pay. The stress and demands of work and life right now are taking a huge toll on the mental health and well-being of Americans.
Deciding to leave your current job is not always the difficult part. The real challenge is navigating the stress of finding that new job: refreshing the resumé, researching companies, applying to multiple jobs, updating your LinkedIn profile, performing well on phone screens and interviews, etc. You may also be concerned about transitioning into a new job that leaves you just as broken and burned out as where you are now. If it sounds like a lot, you are right. The job search, especially in this market, can be overwhelming.
While researching and applying for the right job can be challenging, there is hope. There are always tips, tricks and hacks to make this job search and transition a little less painful. You may not realize it, but the interview process is a two-way street of gathering information. The employer is determining if you would be a good fit for the role, but you, as the candidate, are determining whether the employer is a good fit for YOU! This attitude shift is a confidence booster in itself! If you are looking for some tips to help ease the overwhelm in your job search, look no further.
Job Search Hot Tips
Resumé Refresh:
Recruiters spend an average of six seconds looking at your resumé. This may be heartbreaking to hear after you spend so much time and energy updating, adding skills and re-formatting. Knowing that you have six seconds to capture attention from a recruiter or hiring manager can help you adjust a few things: reduce the number of flashy graphics, remove a photo if you have one, change paragraphs to bullet points. If your resumé reads like a job description (detailing the tasks and responsibilities in your current and past roles), try to transition the details into your personal achievements, contributions and accomplishments.
Apply for the Right Job
Did you know that women apply for jobs when they meet 100% of the requirements for the position, and men tend to apply for jobs when they meet 60% of the requirements? This is the confidence gap that gives us some insight into how women show up in the job search. If you are guilty of only applying to jobs where you meet 100% of the requirements, you are overqualified for these roles. You never know what skills and experience you may have that meet the company’s strategy for filling the position. If the job excites you but scares you a little, apply anyway! Apply for jobs where you meet 70% of the requirements. The 30% gap will fuel you to learn as you grow. You can do this.
Network, Network, Network
The quickest way to get your foot in the door is to network your way into a company and position that meets all of your needs. As you are doing your research on the job boards to see what is out there, it is worth your time to research companies you’d like to work for (whether they have ideal positions open currently or not). This is a great time to brush up on LinkedIn to start making connections with decision makers and HR staff. Start building relationships to find out more about the companies you are interested in and how you might fit in. This is also a good way to pick up on whether there are any troubling company culture issues to avoid.
The job search process may seem like a time-consuming task, and in some ways it is, but it is temporary. The end goal is to find a job that lights you up, helps you grow and pays the money you deserve. Once you are in the new role, it is time to learn and shine. You are worthy of a life and a career that make you feel good about who you are and how you contribute.
If you are interested in having a conversation about strategizing your career change in 2022, I offer a FREE Confidence Boost call where we can discuss your desire for change and map out a plan. The job search and job market can be challenging to navigate but you do not have to do this alone. Check out my website at www.rebeccasimmonscoaching.com to set up some time with me. I also invite you join my FREE Facebook group for additional support – you can find it by searching for the group titled Rebecca Simmons Coaching.
Best of luck to you in your job search! You’ve got this.
-by Rebecca Simmons