One of the most fulfilling things we do may be helping others. As we look forward in the new year, we want to come alongside our community and connect BG with our seniors. We believe giving back is one of the best resolutions we can make!
The gift of time through volunteering is often the most important gift to many, especially seniors. Often older adults have likely acquired most of the material possessions they need or desire, but they do crave a sense of community and long to still feel a part of the everyday world. We hope you’ll use the following suggestions to help make 2022 a wonderful and fulfilling one for our seniors and yourself!
Share Your Time
There are always opportunities to serve in our communities. We have full activities calendars, exterior beautification projects and other special projects that we can always use an extra hand with. Please call Village Manor at 270-796-6643 to inquire about current events and projects.
Be a Pen Pal
Many of our residents do not have close family and their only connections are inside our community. Having a pen pal gives these seniors a way to feel checked in on, needed and something to look forward to. Our residents aren’t the only ones who benefit… we hear that their pen pals learn compassion from their sage pals and get a peek into the past, while the seniors receive some much-needed companionship.
Share Your Talent
Our seniors love to be entertained! Share the talent of your choir or musical group. Crafts are another favorite, and visiting us to lead a craft with residents makes for an exciting day. With COVID-19 regulations, not all of our communities are accepting visitors. For these communities, we suggest creating individual bags of craft supplies and a staff member can lead the class.
Just like the rest of the world, our seniors are in need of your prayers. The last two years have been a challenging time for many of our residents. Prayers for peace, joy and contentedness are appreciated. If your church would like a specific prayer list, please contact our Director of Community Engagement at 502-254-4259 or volunteer@ccc1884.org
With volunteering, you’ll often get just as much (if not more) out of it than you put in. There are countless benefits, including health perks like boosts in mood, happiness and satisfaction. Helping someone in need can put things into perspective. It’s an eye-opening experience that helps us count our blessings and realize the things we should be grateful for. Volunteering can help you adopt this attitude of gratitude.
There are so many different ways to give and we hope to be blessed with your time, talent and prayers. If you are interested in serving our residents, please visit www.christiancarecommunities.org/volunteer-opportunities to learn more.
-submitted by Village Manor