As I write this it is cold and cloudy outside while we wait for Spring to return. But, since my lovely wife has me dieting in advance of our first vacation in a few years, I continue to walk several miles a day. I say that to say I was a good boy and did get my walk in today and one of the things I truly enjoyed were all the flowers and trees that are blooming. What a blessing!
Speaking of blessings… Easter is this month, and that is the most amazing blessing of all! I have always said I am a great sinner and an awful Christian. No doubt I am a product of how God made me, how my parents raised me and how my life experiences have shaped me. But I won’t hide behind that. All my mistakes are my own fault. But, thank God, I don’t have to try to make them right myself. If so, I would have a very warm future in store for sure.
Instead, a man was born a little over 2,000 years ago, and, totally unlike me, He lived a truly sinless life and loved us so much He let some guys nail him to an old wooden cross where He eventually died. But, glory of glories, He didn’t stay dead – but arose, overcoming death and also standing good for my sins.
As I mentioned, I walk nearly every day, which always gives me a good time for prayer… God knows I need something to take my mind off having to exercise… and prayer does that very well. And when I look at the wonderful world we have, the amazing country in which we live and all the blessings and beauty around us, it is easy to spend a lot of time saying, “Thank You, God!”
But most of all, this ol’ sinner thanks God for loving us enough to send His Son to allow forgiveness for our sins. May God bless you and yours this Easter month and this entire year!