It’s time to run, walk, crawl and wade your way through three miles of muddy obstacles to support Family Enrichment Center’s Mud Happens, One Bad Mud Run!
Family Enrichment Center’s mission is to empower families and prevent child abuse. Though the agency came from humble beginnings back in 1977, FEC now offers many services that include Nurturing Parenting Classes, Parent Support Groups, Adoption Support Services, recruitment and training of foster/adoptive families, Parents as Teachers (Little Learners Program), Supervised Visitation Services, Victim Support & Education and affordable childcare, and free respite care through our Wee Care Childcare Center. Our goal is to promote healthy family functioning, increase public awareness, and provide knowledge and sensitivity surrounding child abuse so that we can help families be the best they can be.
Help support these programs and the wellbeing of children and families in South Central Kentucky by joining us at the 10th Annual Mud Happens on August 27, 2022 at Phil Moore Park. You can take part as an individual, a team, a sponsor or a volunteer. We’d like to especially thank our wonderful sponsors including Title Sponsor – Henkel Corporation, Warren County Parks and Recreation team and the Alvaton Volunteer Fire Department for making this event possible. Go to FamilyEnrichmentCenter.com/MudHappens or call our office at 270-781-6714 for more information.
Family Enrichment Center is supported by the Cabinet of Health and Family Services, Kappa Deltas, Kentucky Bar Foundation, Prevent Child Abuse Kentucky, United Way of Southern Kentucky, WHAS Crusade for Children and local contributions. To learn more about the Family Enrichment Center and our programs visit FamilyEnrichmentCenter.com.
-submitted by Family Enrichment Center