There are plenty of reasons why it’s ideal to have an area rug in a living room, bedroom or other living space. Area rugs provide comfort, warmth and decorative interest (color, pattern, texture, etc.). And they can create a frame in which to place furniture and define spaces.
Area rugs are often advantageous over wall-to-wall carpeting because they are easier to clean. And if you get tired of the look, it’s easier to switch out an area rug and replace it with something new. While there are tons of options, there are certain rug rules to consider before buying an area rug.
Keep the following tips in mind regarding area rug size:
The most frequent mistake people make with area rugs is to get one that is too small. An area rug should fit under all the key furniture pieces in a room. So think about your furniture arrangement before committing to a rug.
For most average-size rooms, a rug should cover all but approximately one to two feet of bare floor between its edges and the walls. So that would mean at least a 10-foot square rug size for a 12×12 foot room. Make sure the rug is centered in the room and the distance between the rug and the wall is the same on all four sides.
Color and Pattern
Don’t be afraid to choose a rug with color and pattern, but remember these tips:
Area rugs are like artwork for the floor, and they’re a great way to infuse some playfulness into a room. But at the same time, consider furniture placement if the rug isn’t uniform. You don’t want the part of the rug with the design to be covered up.
Cleaning guidelines for rugs vary, but there are certain things you can do to maintain your rug to help it look its best and last for years to come. Before buying, think about where you’ll be using it and what kind of maintenance will be required.
Generally speaking, medium- to high-pile rugs should be thoroughly cleaned once a year to remove dust, hair and allergens. Vacuuming isn’t enough. You’ll either have to send the rug out or invest in a carpet cleaner, taking the rug’s individual cleaning guidelines into account.
Low-pile and flatweave rugs should be taken outside periodically to be shaken out.
Rugs made of natural fibers, such as jute and sisal, generally can’t be washed, so big spills might result in permanent damage. That said, they don’t show minor dirt and stains as much as other fibers.
Be sure to stop by Ford’s and let our in-house designer, Clarissa Smith, answer any questions you might have. She will be more than happy to assist you with anything design-related, from rugs and wall color, to furniture and accessories.
-submitted by Ford’s Furniture