Sandford Duncan Inn, a historical stagecoach stop and once a place for duels on the Kentucky and Tennessee state line, is now open for bourbon tastings and tours.
Dueling Grounds Distillery is offering guests samplings of its Linkumpinch Bourbon, named after the farm where duels were fought in the 1800s. Tour guests can visit the Sandford Duncan Inn, see a traditional dueling pistol up close, walk the short distance to the property cemetery and stop by the Welcome Inn and Tasting Room to try locally craft-distilled bourbon.
“The partnership between the Sandford Duncan Inn and Dueling Grounds Distillery is a perfect fit.” said Amy Ellis, Executive Director of Simpson County Tourism. “The Inn was known as a popular stagecoach stop on the main thoroughfare between Nashville, Tennessee and Louisville, Kentucky. During the 1800s, the Inn served as a tavern, serving spirits and providing travelers a place to rest. Bringing bourbon back to the grounds is bringing a part of history back to the site.”
The Inn’s most famous known visitor was President Andrew Jackson, though Sam Houston, who served as governor of both the state of Tennessee and Texas, is a close second.
In the early 1800s dueling was illegal in Tennessee, but not in neighboring Kentucky on Linkumpinch Farm, where duels could be fought legally.
The grounds of Sandford Duncan Inn and Dueling Grounds Distillery are open for public tours.
Sandford Duncan Inn Tours are available Friday, Saturday and Monday from 10am-4pm and Sunday from 1pm-4pm through October 31. The Inn is located one mile south of Exit 2 on I-65 at 5083 Nashville Road.
Dueling Grounds Distillery Tours are available Monday through Saturday at the top of every hour beginning at 11am. The last tour of the day is 4pm. The distillery is open to visitors Monday through Saturday from 10am-6pm and Sunday from 3pm-7pm. The distillery is located at 208 Harding Road.
Future community events sponsored by Simpson County Tourism Commission are posted on the official website www.visitfranklinky.com.
-submitted by Franklin Tourism