Fall season has arrived: Time for your best skin
Fall is here and winter is coming. Now is the perfect time to treat your skin to the gold standard in skin resurfacing: the CO2 laser. We all want blemish-free, glowing and youthful-looking skin. There are steps you can take to obtain beautiful skin. Our face is the first thing others may notice about us. Skin is vital to how we see ourselves and how others perceive us. Great-looking skin tends to give us more confidence, while the opposite is also true. Therefore, it is important that we take good care of our skin and enjoy the many benefits of proper skin care.
Time tested and proven results
CO2 lasers, used since the 1980s, were the first lasers used for skin resurfacing. Treatment can address fine to moderate lines and wrinkles, smoker’s lines, crepey skin, uneven skin tone, sun damage, age spots, scars from acne and chickenpox, stretch marks and uneven texture on the face, neck and chest.
Less downtime
The CO2 fractional laser uses individual microbeams of laser energy to damage a column of old skin, leaving behind areas of undamaged skin, providing excellent results with less downtime. We use the clear leader in CO2 platforms, the DEKA Smartxide Tetra laser, with exclusive CoolPeel technology, to provide the best results with the least downtime.
More aggressive ablative treatments (vs fractional treatments) may be suitable for some patients who want to maximize results with only one treatment, and who can afford the post-procedure discomfort and downtime of one to two weeks. CoolPeel fractional treatments, which are less aggressive, are usually spaced four weeks apart. We use air cooling so there is minimal discomfort and treatment sessions can be under an hour. The downtime consists of a sunburned appearance and your skin will feel like sandpaper for one to two days. Your face will not peel off like following a chemical peel.
So how does a CO2 laser work?
LASER (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) works by emitting a single wavelength of light. Lasers are differentiated by the medium that produces the laser beam. The CO2 laser produces light at 10,600 nanometers in the infrared spectrum. The laser removes surface cells of the epidermis, making way for fresh, clear new skin.
At the same time, it penetrates the skin’s deeper dermis layer to stimulate new collagen production. Collagen is a protein in the body that provides a tightly organized fiber network, contributes to the skin’s elasticity and firms and smooths skin over time. Thinking you may be too old to benefit? We have a patient in her 80’s who had impressive results!
Are there any risks?
The greatest risk is hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation, which is why it is important to have no sun exposure for two to four weeks before any treatments. Darker skin types have the greatest risk due to more melanin. CO2 lasers can be used cautiously on all skin types with the appropriate settings.
Improvement can be seen almost immediately but will continue for up to six months after a treatment. Individual results always vary and will increase with the number of CoolPeel treatments. Exosomes and LED light combined with the CoolPeel can significantly improve your results. Laser treatments are not inexpensive but the value in skin resurfacing is very impressive.
We are having an invitation-only informative event about the CoolPeel in October. If you would like to learn more or attend the event, please give us a call at 270-846-1500.
-submitted by Sky Vein & Aesthetics